FIVE ; the coolest killjoys and their promise.

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it was like the pain on his wrist subsided when he saw yunsol.

yunsol came back.

yunsol glared, swatting the girl's hand off sunoo's wrist. she stood in between the two of them, eyes shooting sharp daggers. "if you are holding him unconsented, this can be considered as harassment, are you not aware?" she cocked an eyebrow. 

the opposing girl dropped her grip in a heartbeat. sunoo sighs of relief, but glances at his wrist that had reddened in the part she gripped onto dear life. he turned his focus on yunsol, who seemed to not be finished on interrogating, frown evident on her plump lips. "are you or are you not aware?" yunsol repeated. her timid nature balanced out the threatening voice she projected.

yunsol was protecting him. at least, it was what sunoo was interpreting from the way she barricaded their distances by extending her arm in front of him. "tsk," the girl clicked her tongue. "killjoy." was the last thing yunsol and sunoo heard her say before she took off to the opposite side. 

her fight meter had only grown up to uncontrollable lengths. "killjoy?!" yunsol raised her voice in the direction of where the girl was running out. sunoo's eyes widened with her sudden pitch change. it was the first time heard someone someone as collected as yunsol yell. and the way she yelled did not even sound like yelling, there was always a soft edge to her voice even if she raises her voice or not. 

her face made up for the rage she could not yell out loud. "i'm little miss killjoy now?" she faced sunoo with an expression of unbelievability, her eyebrows scrunched. 

truthfully, sunoo was rattled by the escalation of events. there was a red mark on his wrist and he was confused. what else did he have to say to make people believe in his 'no' and his 'i can't'? for words that are used to express inability, they're rather useless and treated to be an invitation to convince a person refusing to get a 'yes'.

yunsol quickly ran her fingers through her hair. she scoffed. "was she so pissed that her fucking confession was interrupted because she can't take a fucking no?" she carried on, adding rigid hand gestures for emphasis. "god. what would a person become as an adult when you can't handle something as simple as a no? even my siblings know how to stop when they hear no. they're eight years old. eight."

hearing her ramble with evident rage, but with the calmest rage possible was pure comedic relief for sunoo. he found himself chuckling as if he was finding humor over her in the brink of self-destructing. he was uncertain why he found her defending him funny. maybe it was the thought that na yunsol was actually defending him and on his side despite their disputes, the most recent one fresh out of the oven, yet to be bandaged. 

"is it so fun to be touchy with a person who resists and tells you to stop, that she thinks her fun is spoiled? and what did she say? no relationship starts with loving—"

"liking," he corrected, the tips of his lips creased upwards. 

"no relationship starts with liking each other? what kind of bullshit romance and logic is that? maybe romance is dead after all," she puffed. met with silence, her cheeks deepened a shade of red when she glanced at sunoo. he was leaning his back against the wall, forearms folded on his chest with his head tilted as he fixated an amused gaze at her. she eyed him, and he eyed her in the same way. his eyes, glossy and doe, stared at her intensely without daring to look away.  it was a strange timing for her to find him attractive, thus she shook her head and was first to break the contact to let go of the intrusive thought. her cheeks still remained warm.

romance was clearly not dead. 

"are you calm now?" he took the chance to ask when she took an abrupt halt.

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