Royal Five: Be My Guest?

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Year XXXX, Netherworld

Sullivan is just typically not so special demon but he really can't understand how he gotten himself in this problematic situation, here on his sight at front. The mighty named Delkira, a candidate to be Next Demon King of Netherworld. Wasting himself by drinking nonstop the sake and different types of alcoholic drink. Sullivan was just sitting at couch and watching the demon to do as it please on his supposed private place.

"Ya Sa Chan! Don't you wanna join me in?" Sullivan didn't speak and just look at Delkira who is look teasing him by grinning and waving the bottles at air. Sullivan face palm his head, a memory suddenly came in on his mind and look back again at his 'guest'

"Were you the person hours ago?" Delkira stop drinking and look at him. He bring down the bottles in his head and get up but its wrong move since in that sudden stooding up, he slammed his head at ceiling. The large demon groan and place its hand at its head while cursing in whisper. Sullivan look away and sigh.

He seriously never learn

Sullivan look at the ceiling and see some 'scratches' more like big mess. Young Sullivan look back at Delkira who looking at him like lost puppy, he stood up and went to Delkira's side who's now sitting at ground, Sullivan seated along with him.

"I told you Sa Chan to make adjustments here muuu~" Sullivan tried his best to not look at Delkira in disbelief on what he just said. The young lad is trying to calm himself for this 'guest' more like intruder he always had and never wish to had. Sullivan want to escape but it will be disrespectful manner. On other side, Delkira looks having fun pissing off Sullivan. 

"Delkira sama why don't you go back at Royal One already? It's more 'neat' and 'nice' there right?" Sullivan said it on firm voice, he might be sounds politely asking but what he truly wants is for his 'guest' to go back at its nest already and probably is possible, never go back on his den too since a 'guest' like him is never welcomed in first place.

"You seriously a meanie do you that?" Delkira's grin is not now seen and Sullivan just look at him directly at his eyes. Both didn't speak after that and just pure silence was in that place but broke when someone kick off the door and make it flying making Sullivan flinch and break his composure. He look at the one who dared to make such flashy entrance.

Sullivan press his lips firmly, trying to hold back his annoyance.

"HERE I COME! YOUR LADY AMDUSCIAS IS HERE HAHAHAHA! NOW WHERE IS MY DELKIRA SAMA?! DELKIRA CHWAN~" Dressed in a pinstripe suit with a very low neckline, a single horn on its forehead. Standing like an Esthétique demon, Amduscias Poro raid in his den, once again. Sullivan put the hand on his neck and glare at another visitor. He stood up and stop Poro from trying to ruin his place.

"Oh Sulli~ Your in way get out." Something snap very sure, saying those words totally crossed the line already. Sullivan scoffed and laugh so loud making Poro to look at him weirdly and before he could question Sullivan, in a glimpse a wall appeared between the two and it make massive crack as Sullivan launch a blow. 

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