Royal Two: Disturbance

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THE bright sunrise already came in yet on a one single bedroom where Sullivan Grandson reside is still asleep. Both guardians of the child are quietly looking at the young lad as he having a peaceful sleep under the sunlight came from the window of his bed. Just minutes before all of this happen, Opera the loyal servant of the house noticed that the young lad isn't around yet when the sun is already came out. It make's them notice that the house is quite silent so they decided to check Iruma, if he is still on his room 

As they walk thru the hallway, Opera could feel a sudden tension as they more took step to the way of the said bedroom. As they come in, they knocked first and when no one answered, Opera sighed thinking that their young master might sleep far too late on schedule so without hesitation they barged in.

And what welcome them is really pure silence, they headed to the bed to see if the young lad was there but he is not so they look more around and they saw the boy laying on the floor, shivering. Before they could touch him the alarm clock rang and make them surprised quite little bit, they observe more and let the alarm disturb to see if Iruma would wake up but it already passed and he still didn't even flinch.

Maybe Immune? 

Confused for a moment but they decided to lift up Iruma from floor to move him at bed, after taking him at bed. Opera stared for a minute to observe him and they also check if there's something is wrong. Tried to wake him up so many times but Iruma won't respond from their call. 

"This is bad..."

At that time Sullivan was already on dining table waiting for his grandson to share meal with him but minutes had passed already he still didn't come. He noticed that his precious grandson and Opera haven't come in yet, and the food on the table is getting called already. Until later that, Opera came into the hall and told him what is happening at that moment.

"and so now Iruma sama is on his room, resting."

Sullivan got worried sick as soon as he learned the situation so he immediately march to his Grandson room to check the current reported situation. As he arrived, his eyes immediately saw the child laying on his bed. Sullivan also tried to wake him up as he reach the bed but even him can't wake up the young lad. It stayed for a minute, nor groan or even gruff. Sullivan sat beside his grandson's bed and tuck him in on his blanket. Sullivan is quite worried about this and thus the silence emerge the room once again.

"Sullivan sama, you still need to attend your duties at Babyls." Opera reminded his master. This is maybe not right time to spoke about this given the current situation but surely some staffs of the school are getting worried because they haven't come yet in school nor give an excuse for their absence.  Normally in this hour they should already gone now to school but here they are. Got into some unexpected event, Opera is worried about the situation too. Is it because the young master bother to think that night's event last night that he didn't gotten sleep properly? That's why he won't wake up right now? But that's a shallow explanation.

There must be another reason 

'But what is it?'

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