Royal Four: Nice To Meet Ya!

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Big tall appearance, screams intimidating that's how Iruma would describe the person now sitting at his side but he don't feel scared or anything. Both didn't speak a single things and just silently observe nothing but darkness. But this is making Iruma uncomfortable. Must he speak? Say something or anything? But what he supposed to say? Nothing?

"Child, you don't need to be feel fret around me. Though actually I feel somehow nervous meeting you." Iruma look up at the person in his side and point out himself in surprised hearing that he? Make this person nervous? How? and but why? Iruma ask himself in his mind, while he is busy getting confused, the person in Iruma's side chuckled and ruffled his hair that he taken back in surprise, more like startled but Iruma felt somehow get comfortable on it?


"Do you know me child?" Iruma slightly puff up his face because he didn't know what to answer, looking back at this person in his side, more like looking up. Purple dark shade eyes, looking piercing and very scary but as Iruma already been told, he don't feel scared in this situation. He don't feel frightened about this person at all, rather he's getting more strange vibes from him. Still Iruma is getting confuse about this situation but he can't bring himself to ask those for now, it feels something needs to be done first? and also Iruma is busy looking at this person that truly beautiful in his eyes. It smiled at him when it noticed that somehow he left mesmerized.

He looks very beautiful and handsome at same time

But my neck gonna fall of in no time. He's so tall and huge

"Say child, who am I?" it repeated his question for him. Iruma just look at him and didn't say anything. He is observing and thinking not until a memory came in into his mind. He squinted his eyes for second and slightly nod after, opening his mouth to reply.

"W-well aren't you...Delkira sama?" Iruma stutter answering in low ton voice. He quickly turn away his head when he suddenly felt the weird atmosphere floating around again. Iruma stayed that for a minute and more minutes. He shut his eyes when he could felt his neck started to get stiffen. He is tired handling his awkward position but he must endure.

Was he gave such a wrong answer? Probably but he certainly look like the person from portrait? Maybe wrong guess? What to do???

While the young lad was panicking, the person behind him whom named Iruma, Delkira showed a glimpse of smile looking at the child beside him. Then not too long Iruma felt the large hands land on his head again, slightly patting him, so he slowly turn his gaze back at the person on his side. Rather seeing a tall big person, he's sure surprised to see looking at this person same height with him now. It's smaller size so Iruma look at it in awe.


"Don't ya neck get tired from looking up from me? Sorry 'bout that haha." Just who is really this person? Iruma continue to ask himself but now Iruma could see clearly it feature, sharp violet eyes glimmering in shine, big white teeth fangs, large body, and looking very strange.

"Your guess was correct. Don't worry about it much. I'm I real one? What do you think?" Now it says, the situation is looking quite complicated to comprehend. Is this a dream? Rather be? Or reality? If its then where is his family? Grandpa and Opera? Why there only pure darkness surround? Well other from their side only having shone by light that he didn't know where is comin' from. The whole thing now is very suspicious from his eyes.

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