"Hermione, dear...this is not your fault...I am not angry with you," Mum assured me, a smile playing on her lips. "You are legally of age...your father and I would not dispute that...but you are not...in our opinion...mentally capable of making this life-changing decision...and we are very concerned that you are being unduly influenced by..."

"Before you say another word, Elizabeth...this must stop!" Catriona snapped, her temper well and truly lost, her eyes burning with fury. I could hear it in her voice, her tone. I had rarely heard her get angry, even with Auntie Susannah, but I knew her so well, and I could tell that she was furious. But before she could say anything else, Mama intervened, and took a rather more measured approach than grandmama.

"Elizabeth...I know you think that we have stolen your daughter from you...and I really do understand how much that must hurt...but this quite remarkable young woman is making all of her own decisions...thanks to my even more remarkable mother-in-law." Helen said, taking a firm hold of my hand, but actually looking at Catriona. "We were all busy trying to convince Hermione to marry Steven Blackstone...you and Barry included, if you remember...but it was Grandmama who made sure that your only daughter had the chance to make her own decisions in her own time, whilst receiving the best possible advice from her loved ones. You have clearly turned against Steven...and Sheila, it would appear...for some reason...but I am sure...and Hermione is sure...that Steven is the right option for her...and to question her mental capacity to make a rational decision is...quite frankly...beneath you?"

"Quite." Catriona growled, before turning her attention to Sheila Blackstone. "Sheila...I will not stay and cause a scene...I do not wish to make things even more awkward for you...but we came to confirm that we have offered a marriage contract to your son...and the ball is now in Steven's court. I hope our families will be joined in the summer."

"Thank you for telling me, Ma'am." Sheila replied, as Mum visibly fumed beside her. "My son is free to make his own decisions, as you are aware?"

"Of course, my dear...but it is only good manners to keep you informed...and I can assure you that you are always welcome in our house...but Mrs Scott," Catriona said, speaking gently to Sheila, before her tone hardened as she turned to address my mother. "I am afraid the same cannot be said for you, or your husband...and if you ever repeat that vile accusation concerning Hermione's mental capacity, our lawyers will be in contact with you forthwith...come along my dears, it is time we left, before I say something Mrs Scott will regret!"

No one can sweep out of a room quite like Catriona Montague. Mama and I followed in her wake, and she was like a great ship in full sail, her fury raging around her like a hurricane as she stormed away. Mama helped me with my bonnet, and took my arm, because I was shaking as we all reached fresh air, my mother's words still reverberating in my head. But Catriona did not stop, and she did not speak, not until we reached the gates, and left Deepdene. She turned to face us then, stopping us in our tracks, her cloak swirling around her. "Hermione...my dear girl...take deep breaths?"

"She will be fine, Grandmama." Helen murmured, putting her arm around my shoulders, our skirts crushed together, as Catriona took my hands. "She knows that she is loved...even if that vile woman..."

"Indeed...but as Miss Knight reminded me some months ago, when I was less than charitable about Hermione's birth mother, we should not criticise her in front of Hermione...it is not fair on her. And I must say that I blame Mr Scott for his wife's behaviour," Catriona sighed, as I looked into her deep blue eyes, which were full of love for me. "Steven Blackstone is clearly deemed by our bitter enemies to have changed sides...and Hermione lives in the belly of the beast as far as they are concerned...these demented fanatics do not seem to care who they hurt anymore, do they?"

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