Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

*Eight years ago*

It didn't take me long at Woodstown High to be initiated into the infamous Dead Boys group. Two months into my freshman year, I was already the main target for every bully in our little school. I was a scrawny red head whose voice still cracked every other word. Honestly, I would've bullied me too. Accepting this targeted fate that would be my high school career came easy. I never had to guess why. I never had to guess when it would stop. I knew why and I knew it would never. Or, so I thought.

It was a Friday during late October and Halloween was that weekend. I had no plans of course. I figured rewatching every single Scream movie was a perfect idea. Just me, my cozy bed and the beautiful filmography that is slasher flics.

I was excited for the weekend. Our teachers spared us with no homework and I could do as I pleased. Whatever the hell Bentley wanted. I had just thought those words when the next moment I had been shoved up against my locker so hard that my head instantly began to pound. It felt like my brain was being rattled inside my skull.

"What the-" I started before hearing the mocking laughs of my peers behind me. I didn't even want to turn around to face them. I knew my pale complexion would betray me. My face would undoubtably be burning red from the impact of the locker. I knew my eyes were tear filled because they shared the same burn my skin did.

"Little baby wants to cry?" One of them said, a sneer laced in his monstrous tone. I couldn't turn still. Instead, I kept my head down as I slammed my locker shut as fast I could and swung my backpack over my shoulder. I tried to take a step toward but William McJohnson was in front of me in a second. I froze in fear. Did I mention I was short? Very short; and William McJohnson towered over me.

"Ugly little fairy." He spat in my face. "What would you like to be for Halloween?"

"Frankenstein?" Another boy suggested with an ugly laugh.

"What about a zombie?" One said from behind me. I gulped. How was no one seeing this? I dared to look around me at the other students shoving books into bags and laughing with their friends. Last bell had rung, the place was swarming. Yet, there I was; completely alone.

"I have a better idea," William went on. "How about a murder victim?"

The words echoed in my ears and the hatred that steamed off of them in waves was just confirmation that they would do it, if they could. And since they probably wouldn't want to take a murder charge, they'll probably do the closet thing to. In that moment, my fight or flight instincts kicked in. We all know I am no fighter, so flight it was.

Being small came in handy in some ways and in this situation it was one of those rare times. I definitely caught them off guard as I quickly ducked underneath William and squeezed myself in between the crack that was made by the lockers and his own body.

I made a run for it.

I zigzagged through groups of friends, through teachers talking, I even ran into a couple kissing. I didn't stop for one second though because I knew they were on my heels. Not knowing where to do, going outside and home seemed like my best bet.

My body flew through the double doors that led out the main entrance and down the walkway. I heard their foul name calling from just a few feet behind me and it sent shivers down my spine. Was I so transparent? That they would see my deepest darkest secrets just by the way I looked? I didn't know what about me gave it away. I've been questioning it my whole life.

I managed to run out to the back fields, where there was a sidewalk that would take me only a few blocks home. Trees cluttered the back of the campus and I had made it that far before my lungs started to heave. The shot of adrenaline was beginning to sober within me. My body was no longer fuelled by the rush and in a second it realized just how out of shape it was.

Come Find Me (boxboy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora