kazuha headcanons

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is it headcannons or headcanons 😭😭 anyways im bored so here u go
(this isn't an actual chapter, so feel free to skip!)

-he loves when you play with his hair. it's a sense of comfort to him.

-he enjoys singing or playing instruments for you.

-he writes love poems about/for you

-when you open up to him and just talk, he won't interrupt or ask questions. he'll just smile, nod, and listen closely. (unless it seems like u want him to respond)

-he enjoys picnic and aquarium dates.

-he always tries to wake up early on weekends so he can give you breakfast in bed.

-he loves hugs.


-flirts a lot, but is easily flustered when you flirt back.



-"my love"

-he loves matching outfits with you.

-he enjoys taking care of plants. they're like little friends to him.

-sometimes he forgets to take care of himself, so you take the job.

-he can be a bit carefree at times, and get himself into trouble.

-he'd probably be good at fencing

-he's a smooth talker, as well as a good listener.

-he tells you the cheesy pickup lines that heizou shares with him.

-he loves holding your hand.

-when his hair dries after a shower, it poofs up and becomes curly. you have to help him brush it at that point

-he draws cats on your hands during class.

-he expresses his love for you in poetic ways, and he teases you lots. basically, his love language is words.

-"friends" that act like a couple dynamic


i'll probably add more to this when i have extra time. otherwise i'll focus on writing the actual chapters -v-

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