A Merry Sunday in Santo-Domingo

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Bareno woke up early that Sunday, because he wanted to make coffee for her. As he was heading to the kitchen, he turned back to take a look at her adorably sleeping in the bed. He felt himself in a profound wondering. He still couldn't believe that a casual meeting on a Russian dating site would have led to what was happening between them.

She was an athletic, blonde Russian with a sharp nose planted between two adorable, symmetrical cheeks, as though God had favored them in her confection. He looked back into memories, remembering how this all had began.

"Privet, kak dela?" he messaged her on the dating site. After a few minutes, she had replied in English to him which somehow had relieved his anxiety, because he didn't know much about the Russian language. Still standing, he hadn't faced any kind of perplexity like that before. "Hey you have a coffee to get done!" he commanded himself. She had visited DR not many years ago, and shown admiration for the local coffee when they were chatting. Thus, he decided to buy two packets prior the day of her arrival.

When he went back to their room, she was trying to touch him, thinking that he was still by her sides. She was exhausted from her flight, he guessed. "Dobroye utro" He greeted her. "Dobroye utro Baby" she replied.

"Still sleepy?" he innocently asked her.

"No baby, I'm just tired it was a long way to get here" she responded.

"It will worth it" he undoubtedly said to her.

She smiled at him, Bareno became the happiest man alive. Her smile could give bravado to any cowardice man to face death. Her teeth were like those crystalline snows he used to watch on Christmas movies. She had a magnificent, beautiful necklace that couldn't match her beauty.

It was a wonderful day, the sun understood how important that day was for him. No clouds, no rain it was perfect.

"I made Santo-Domingo coffee for you Sweetie."

She stared at him.

"Why are you staring at me like that honey?" he suspiciously asked her.

"Because you're my beloved one" she answered.

"For the coffee, or for my presence Sweetie?" he whimsically asked her, since he knew she was fond of Santo-Domingo coffee.

"Both Baby" she replied, while winking at him.

"That's pretty fair Sweetie" he said with an unseen calmness.

When she ended up drinking her coffee, she got closer to him, because he was sitting on the bed. She meticulously put her head on his chest. All of sudden, his heart skipped faster. She felt it. Because she asked him , Are you Ok Baby?

"Why Princess?" he asked.

"My heart is beating faster too" she mentioned. A feeling of relief had found place into his humble existence.

"I'm Ok honey"

"I'm Ok too my sunny Boy" she replied. She began talking about her life, while he attentively listened to her. When she had done she said: "Now it's your turn" to him. He took a quick look at his watch it was 9:45 AM.

With her head still laying upon his chest, he felt like a Pharaoh. He was happy, and apparently she was happy too. That was the most important thing, their happiness. He didn't give a damn about Politics, whether North-Korea would get attacked by USA, world hunger, etc. All he wanted, was a place to forget about everything, everyone but her. He was petting her hair when a sudden thought crossed his mind. He said to himself, no matter what he was desperately looking for in his life, it was her. Because the stillness that was between them was pure magic.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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