SN: Stop whining like a kid Avneet..... (He went towards her and grabbed the bowl of cereal that she kept on the side table, and put a spoonful in his mouth......)

Avneet: Hey..... That's mine.... Get yourself a different one....

SN: Well..... It tastes much sweeter..! It's mine now..!!! (He winked at her and turned to leave earning a glare from Bhavesh and leaving blushed Avneet behind.....)

(Avneet just shook off her head to brush off the "unwanted" thoughts coming in her head and stood up in dismay...)

Avneet: Guess I have no option left...!!!!

(Bhavesh wanted to say something when he looked at SN who was sitting on the dining table who shook his head so he just let out a sigh and let Avneet go without talking to her..... )

Bhavesh: What are you doing Sid.??? (He asked going to Siddharth...)

SN: What.? Just being friendly with her..! Calm down Bhavesh..... Relax.....

(He shook his head in disbelief and left from there......)

(Avneet changed as quickly as she could and they all left around 11:30 AM.....)

(The location was by the beach...... Media was present but they were not allowed to be near the location of the shoot so they were just by the parking area....
One by one all the members started to come out of the two cars.....
Bhavesh was the manager so he was the first one to get out of the car and go towards the shoot location followed by the members.....
Siddharth went out at the end and then reached his hand out to Avneet.....
She took his hand and both started to walk towards the location without looking at the media as fast as they can.....
SN was trying his best to make Avneet feel at ease as she was tensed up with cameras continuous clicking sound and flashes and their never ending questions.......

They were finally away from the media and Avneet sighed in relief.....)

Avneet: Phew.!!! What was that.??? Why are they still after #SidNeet thing??? I thought it was just a fluke.!!! And will be forgotten.!!!

SN: Just ignore them Avneet.... You need to learn to ignore them and sometimes pretend that they are not here....

Avneet: Easy said then done.!!!

(They both reached the location and both can feel the cool breeze of the ocean and hearing the waves just put Avneet's mind at ease but as they were still holding hands Avneet was halted back as SN suddenly stopped walking...

Avneet turned to look at him.... His face was turning pale and he was looking at the ocean with a look.... That look confused Avneet...)

Avneet: Hey..... You good.???

(Hearing her voice as if it broke the trance and brought back SN to reality....)

SN: Y..Yeah...! Let's go......

(Avneet could feel his grip on her hand is getting a bit tight and could sense uneasiness in him.....

He was about to go to the rest of the members as they all were doing final touch up..... Avneet asked again...)

Avneet: You sure you okay.???

(SN just hummed in response without looking at her and left to the other members..... Avneet felt this behavior a bit different and was feeling a bit worried for him..... Why.??? She don't know....)

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