Chapter 2

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I wake up on the cold, hard, uncomfortable floor that I slept on last night. Jay offered me Louis' room but I thought it might be best if I declined that offer if you know what I mean.

I yawn and stretch, and slowly sit up, wincing at the pain from my stiff back. I see the morning sun beginning to filter in through the window, and remember the general saying something about being in formation at sunrise... Oops!

I don't even know where I was supposed to go anyways! These military people need to be more specific with instructions! Or maybe I just need to be better at listening... Probably the latter.

 I manage to get myself to a standing position, and wipe the sleep out of my eyes. "Oh Harry dear! You're up!" I hear Jay's voice behind me. I turn around, and see her standing in the kitchen doorway. I send a warm smile her way.

"Come! I've just prepared breakfast for you!" she tells me, motioning for me to come into the kitchen. I suddenly feel uncomfortable. They can't afford to feed and house me, yet here's Jay, making me breakfast. A wave of guilt washes over me.

 "O-oh no.. you don't n-need to feed m-" I stammer, but am cut off. "Nonsense! Now sit down and eat!" Jay insists. I still feel bad, but if it's what she wants.. then I guess I'll eat?

I walk into the kitchen, where there is a small wooden table, with two little blonde-haired, blue-eyed girls, already sitting at it.

"Sorry, you haven't exactly been introduced yet." Jay apologizes. "These are the twins, Pheobe and Daisy. Watch out, they're full of energy, and they're little bundles of sass" she laughs.

"Are not!" one of them exclaims, either Pheobe or Daisy... I can't tell. I laugh.  "I'm Harry!" I introduce myself to them. "Hi Harry!" they shout in unison. I smile. They really are adorable.

"Can I touch your hair?" one of them giggles. I'm shocked at first. I guess I'm not exactly used to people asking to touch my hair, but then again, I don't usually hang out with 8 year olds.

"Sure, I guess." I shrug. I lean down, as one of them reaches her hand forward, and brushes my curls. I hear a gasp of delight. "It's so soft!" she squeals. "Let me feel!" The other one exclaims. She grabs a handful of my curls, and I wince slightly, but just go along with it.

"Okay girls, that's enough! You're probably overwhelming the poor lad! You only just met him!" she laughs lightheartedly.  "Awww" they whine, but let go of my curls.

"Sit down and eat!" Jay instructs me, placing a plate of cooked egg in front of me. "Thank you so much." I tell her. I don't understand why she's being so kind to me. I mean, I'm invading her house against her will. I probably wouldn't have taken so kindly to a stranger staying in my house.

I sit down and dig in. This is the first home cooked breakfast  I've had since I left my mum and sister. Under normal circumstances, it would've been just an egg, but right now, it was the best breakfast I'd ever had.

"This is absolutely delicious!" I exclaim. "Thanks, dear, but it's just an egg. And mind your manners! Don't talk with your mouth full!" she scolds me playfully. I laugh. "You remind me of my mum." I tell her once I've chewed and swallowed. She smiles. "I think your mum and I would get along." she laughs.

Suddenly, I remember that I was probably supposed to be at 'formation' (whatever that is) awhile ago, and I don't even know where I'm supposed to go! Much less what they'll do to me when I turn up late!

 "Uhm.. Jay?" I ask timidly. "Yes dear?" she replies. "Well, I think I was supposed to be at this formation or something awhile ago... and I have no idea where I'm supposed to go.. I'm not much of a listener." I tell her a bit sheepishly.

She laughs. "You're so much like Louis." she tells me. I don't know whether to feel offended or not. I mean, Louis seems like kind of a cranky guy...

"Did I hear my name?" I hear a male voice. I turn around, and see Louis standing in the doorway. His hair is unkempt and wild, and he looks as though he's just woken up. Which he probably has.

I'm not gonna lie, he looks very.... how do I put this....... pretty? I know that probably sounds extremely weird, but there's just something about him, that gives him sort of a feminine look. Maybe it's the shape of his face, or the arch of his eyebrows. Or maybe its those nice lips.. or those gorgeous eyes.....

Wait.....nice lips? gorgeous eyes? what... I'm starting to question my sanity here. I clear my throat, and turn back around as I hear Jay speak. "Oh good morning Louis!" she exclaims, as he walks over, and gives her a kiss on the forehead, and does the same to Pheobe and Daisy.

"Louis! Louis! Feel Harry's hair!" one of the little girls giggles. Louis snorts. "Uhm.. I'd rather not thanks." he says, in a confused tone, as he turns and looks curiously at me. "I- uhm.." I start uncomfortably, not really knowing what to say.. this boy makes me nervous, and I don't like it.

His eyes soften for a second, as he lets out a chuckle, but then his eyes move down to my red military jacket, and they harden into a glare. Honestly, what's up with this guy. Is he racist against the British or something?

Well, I suppose we are sort of trying to take over their country, but that's the government not me! I'm just here to pay for my family, but of course he doesn't know that.... He probably sees me as an enemy. Like I'm the bad guy. I really don't mean any harm though.

"Oh Louis," Jay pipes up. "Harry doesn't exactly know where he's supposed to go for formation. I figure you know your way around Boston pretty well, do you mind helping him find it?" she asks.

My stomach sinks. Louis? Helping me find my troop? The guy hates me! Louis lets out a snort. "What? You want me to help him?" he scoffs.



This chaptah was kindof a filler, it will get more exciting I promise!! :D


And again, this is dedicated to Bryce........ Because he told me to... Plus it's his Birthday on the 15th SO HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOSER <3 :D

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2013 ⏰

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