Chapter 1

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Hey this is my first boyxboy AND AU fanfic I've written so bear with me XD

So basically this takes place in the 1700's in Boston, Massachusetts and it revolves around the American Revolution, and the quartering act, but don't worry! It's not all boring history! If you decide to give it a chance I LOVE YOU!! And I hope you like it :D <3 thanks guys :)


*Louis POV*

The chilly winter air nips at my cheeks as I walk home from a long day at work. I cuddle my jacket tighter around me, as I shiver from the cold. 

I work as an apprentice woodworker along with my best mate Liam, in town. We work for a man named Samuel Bridgewater. It's not the most exciting job, but it helps pay for my family.

I have a pretty big family. I live with my mum, Jay, and my four sisters; Charlotte age 14, Felicite age 12, and Pheobe and Daisy, twins, age 8. 

My father died of illness when I was young, so I never knew him well, but I know he was a very dedicated patriot, which is why I decided to follow in his footsteps, by joining The Sons of Liberty.

The Sons of Liberty is a group that protests against the unfair acts that the British government forces upon America. 

I continue walking towards home, kicking frost-covered gravel with each step, and blowing warm air on my hands to keep my fingers from freezing.

I slowly shuffle my feet along until I reach home. I live in a small wood house, not nearly big enough for six people, but we manage somehow.

 I walk up to the door and push it open. "Girls! I'm home!" I call out, grinning, like I do every day. And every day I hear the squeals of my four sisters, as they stop what they're doing to run to me and embrace me tightly.

But today.. I hear nothing. No squealing, no footsteps. I look around confusedly. Maybe they didn't hear me? "Girls! I'm home!" I call again... Still nothing.

Suddenly, I hear footsteps sounding, coming closer. I look up expecting to see my sisters, but instead, my eyes meet the hazel of my mother's. "Where are the girls?" I ask confusedly.

"I told them to stay in their rooms." she says shortly. I look at her confusedly, and I can detect something in the slight quiver in her voice, and the look in her eyes. Is that fear? Confusion? Something is definitely off.

"And why is that?" I ask, curious to know what's going on. She takes in a nervous breath, as her eyes glance at something behind her. I follow her gaze, and gasp in shock as I see another person standing not far behind her, that I had not noticed before.

It's a man, with wild chocolate brown curls, and piercing green eyes. I stare at him confusedly for a minute, taking in his appearance, when I notice what he's wearing.

A bright red military jacket. I do a double take, as I realize that he's a British soldier, and then narrow my eyes accusingly. "What is a filthy red coat doing in our house." I growl through clenched teeth.

*Harry's POV*

 I step off of the boat onto dry, stable, land. Oh how I've missed this. I've been on a boat for who knows how long now.

It all started when my mum, Anne, lost her job. There was no way of paying for living necessities for us anymore, us being me, my mum, and my sister Gemma, so I went out looking for a job.

It turned out being in the British Army paid pretty well, so I said 'sign me up.' Next thing I know, they're giving me my very own red military coat, putting me on a boat, and shipping me off to America. I'm supposedly quartering with a "Tomlinson" family, because of this new act making colonists accept British soldiers like me into their homes.

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