Começar do início

"As you wish Ashia-Sama".

Somewhere In Falmuth.

"Ok so why I decided to gather you all today is to discuss about our country." The king of Falmuth said.

The king decided to gather all of his executives because his country is going through the most complicated situation. The merchant did not come more in his country. Their economical state are too low and they need to find a solution to this.

"Your majesty it's because of this monster country called Tempest" Folgen said.

"Yes because of these monster, the merchants didn't come in Falmuth again your majesty. We need to find a way to get rid of those lowly monsters your majesty" Razen said.

"How could a monster country have gotten more attention than us Human Kingdom ?" The King Edmaris said angrily.

"Your Majesty you don't have to be in this state. You know that monsters are humanity enemy and we the Western Saints Church will be really happy to help you in your decision" the Arcbishop Reyhiem said.

"Ohh Reyhiem-dono can you share your thought" The king said.

"May I approach your Majesty" The Arcbishop said.

Reyhiem then stood up a walk towards the King to talk with him.


Reyhiem: Your majesty you know that we are monster enemy. Just allowed us to be a member of the war and we will gather the holy knights for you ?

Edmaris: Is it easy to ask for your holy knights?

Reyhiem: Of course your majesty I am just going to say that it's for God sake and to protect humanity.

Edmaris: What a nice Idea you have Reyhiem-dono. We are now able to destroy this country and took all of their treasures.

Reyhiem: Of course your majesty with our holy barrier we are just going to weaken them. With their weak state we are now going to slaughter them.

Edmaris: I heared that in this country their are a lot of good monster. I can't wait to taste them. The King said while slobbering. And with thought full of lust.

Back to the Meeting.

"Folgen How many knights can we use now" The king asked to his commander.

"We can gather 18.000 knights your majesty" Folgen responded.

"And how many can we get for your Reyhiem-Dono" Edmaris asked.

"2000 Holy knights your majesty".

"We are now 20.000 and we are going to annihilate this Lowly monster. Reyhiem-dono told me that the holy barrier are going to weaken the monster and we are going to kill them" Edmaris.

"Yes your majesty" Folgen said full of confidence.

"We will need the 3 otherworlders your majesty can we use them ?" Razen asked.

"Of course after all they are just useful to fight". Edmaris said.

"Thank you your majesty" Razen responded.

"Yosh Everyone tomorrow we are going to annihilate this monster country" Edmaris said full of joy.

"Haiiiiii" They Respond with full confidence.

Were they right to be this over confident? Did they thought it was going to be easy ? Did they know which kind of monster they are going to fight ? Soon these people are going to face something more horrible than death.....................

Restart of GOD TempestOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora