𝚃 𝚑 𝚛 𝚎 𝚎

Comincia dall'inizio

"Annoying little brat." You heard Kayden's voice whisper. You looked at the cat. That couldn't be him, right?

"What do you want, Y/N?" The cat spat.

"Well, Kayden," you returned his aggression. "I've come to say hello to an old friend of mine."

"Really? And who's that friend? Last time I checked, we had nothing close to a friendship." He replied, his appearance was hard to take seriously.

"No shit, Sherlock. It was a joke. I know you're stupid, but c'mon, that was an obvious one." You jeered, looking down on him.

"Are we forgetting I'm much more stronger?" He put a paw up. You just laughed.

"Oh please. As if I can't defeat a fat orange cat that has a foot,well, paw, into the grave already." You were amused by his confidence.

"I wasn't talking about my current form. In my human form, I could kill you in my sleep." He bragged, putting his paw against his chest.

"Rrright. Totally true. Look, I wasn't exactly looking for an aggressive visit full of threats. I thought we were over that." You tried to make sure he knew you weren't just here to be mean.

"And look who started it. You." He pointed towards your direction.

"Actually, you called me an annoying brat. I merely just told a cat that they're morbidly obese. I'm only calling out facts." You explained, and he couldn't help but think that you had a point.

"Whatever. If you weren't here to threaten me, what were you here for?" He questioned your intentions.

"Like I said, just for a nice visit to some people I know. You were the last one on my list. I would ask how it's going, but by the looks of it, not so good." You answered, but the cat only became more and more furious.

"This was an accident, okay? It's not like I meant to become a fat cat, I was beaten up and-" he stopped, watching you laugh at his story.

"Finally admitted to making mistakes and being weak now, are we Kayden?" Never thought I'd see the day. What happened to being perfect?" You were still laughing at him.

"This. This is why our relationship isn't getting any better. It's all because of you." He crossed his fat cat arms.

"You're giving me too many opportunities to poke fun at you. Maybe just be nice and don't share your life story with me. That's a good start." You held in your laughter, as to not upset him more.

"Ugh, so annoying." He walked off, wide hips swaying and tail in the air.

Jiwoo came over with tea. He set it down on the coffee table, pushing a cup in front of you.

"I made tea for you. It's chamomile, I hope you like it. I also added a little honey." He scratched the back off his neck.

You smiled at him, picking up the cup and taking a sip. You then set it back down.

"Thank you. It tastes lovely." You told him, making him smile. "By the way, is Kayden stuck like that or something?"

"Well, he can turn human, it's just while his body is getting better, it's a lot easier to be something with less energy like an overweight cat." He explained to you, also sipping a cup of tea.

"Ohhh, okay. That makes more sense. Thanks for clearing things up." You took another sip of tea as he nodded.

"How's school going for you?" You asked the young teen.

"It's going well. It's ending soon, though. I love getting time off." He smiled, finishing his tea.

"When I graduated I had a huge party. It was great finally leaving school. Then, college came around and now it's like school. At least I can skip without them calling my parents, but I'm paying to go to college so I have no reason to skip." You told him, setting your empty tea cup onto the coffee table.

"I'm not graduating this year. I'm still too young for that." He laughed, still smiling. He sure does smile a lot.

"I figured. Y'know, Kayden actually went to my graduation party in (Home country)" you told Jiwoo. "He was pretty much the only person to not get me a graduation gift." You laughed, thinking about the party.

"How long have you known Mr. Kayden?" Jiwoo questioned, a curious look on his face.

"Well," you began. "I believe we were 12, no, 13, and we went to the same school. He was coming back from an afternoon club, and I was outside fighting with my friend. We were both awakened ones, so we were using our abilities on each other."

"Kayden saw us, and so we panicked. He explained he was an awakened one, and so he showed us a few things he could do. My friend told him he was weak, and that I was stronger, so Kayden being full of himself, took that personally. Long story short, we're pretty much rivals, constantly getting stronger to beat the other one." You revealed. Jiwoo sat there for a moment.

"Wow, that's... Interesting." He didn't really know what to say. "Have you ever actually fought?"

"Oh yeah, definitely. We both have won fights. We're still not even sure who's stronger. I know I won the last fight we had though. That was probably 3 years ago." You stated, putting your arm against the top of the couch.

"Y/N cheated." Kayden came back into the room. You rolled your eyes.

"Pfft, yeah. You say that every time I win. At least I have good sportsmanship, and I don't call you a cheater every time you win." You retorted.

"I bet you want to, but you know I'm stronger, so you're scared." He taunted, plopping his fat body onto the couch.

"Ha! You wish I was scared. " You grinned. He gave you a glare.

"Look, I actually have a life, and stuff to do, so I'll be leaving now." You stood up.

You patted Kayden roughly on the head, and waved goodbye to Jiwoo before leaving.

When you went outside, the rain slowed down, but there was still a lot of puddles everywhere. You drove back to the hotel.

As you were driving, you got a call. You put it on speaker, so that way you could still pay attention to the road.

"Hello?" You said, eyes still on the road.

"Hello, Y/N." A man spoke. You were confused for a second, until you realized who it was- Kartein!

"Hey Kartein! What do you need?" You asked, pulling into the parking lot of the hotel.

"I heard you're in Korea." He replied, before continuing, "I'm also here, too. Perhaps I could visit?"

"Yeah, definitely! I'm actually at my hotel right now. There's a bar and stuff." You explained, unlocking your room.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean now. Maybe on Saturday?" He apologized.

"My bad, I shouldn't have assumed. Saturday sounds like a good time to me." You said, sitting on your hotel bed.

"Alright, Y/N. It's a date, then."



「🌊」𝙀𝙭𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙞𝙨𝙢•°•Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora