"What?" Nancy asks, but Steve is too shocked by seeing his childhood bestfriend and crush Melanie Hargrove. Here in Hawkins.

The bell rings making Steve go out of his trance and follow Nancy to they're class. They arrive at their class with two new students standing in the front of the classroom. Steve notices it being Billy and Melanie.

The teacher closes the door and waits until everyone sits down except for Melanie and Billy.

"Class, please welcome, all the way from sunny California, the latest passengers to join us on our curiosity voyage, Billy and Melanie Hargrove."

Melanie rolls her eyes, "It's Mel."

Mr Clarke looks confused, "Sorry?"

"Nobody calls me Melanie. It's Mel."

"Well, all aboard.." Billy and Melanie sit down and the teacher starts the class. Melanie can feel eyes on her, she looks up and just there she sees a person she never expected. Steve Harrington.

He smiles at her and she smiles back, the whole reason she didn't wanna move back here was Steve. Billy assured her that Steve was probably done with school by now. But then again Math wasn't something Billy was good at, since Steve was in his senior year now just like them.


Class has ended and Melanie packs her stuff up, as she walks out the classroom a girl with brown hair hands her a flyer, "Hey. Be there."

"Thanks. Oh, could I get one more?"

"Sure." The girl said smiling, "Are you new here by the way? I've never seen u before."

Melanie smiles, "Something like that."

Melanie says bye to the girl and walks over to Billy, "Hey Butthead. You're coming to this."

Billy takes the extra flyer and reads it out loud, "Come and get sheet faced. Yeah no thanks. If It's hosted by someone who uses the word sheet faced it'll be a lame party."

"Oh come on! We can't stay alone all Halloween. That's just not acceptable."


Across the hall Melanie hears laughing and giggles. As she looks across she sees Steve kissing a girl. She can't see who the girl is, but once the girl stops kissing Steve she sees it's Nancy Wheeler. She wasn't suprised, she always knew Steve had a thing for her. She just hoped that if she ever came back he wouldn't have acted on it. But unfortunately he did.

Melanie put her eyes off them and saw Billy giving her 'his look.'

"Don't start Billy."

"I didn't say anything!"

"Your eyes said everything."

"I'm sorry.. just think it's weird how the boy u have always liked and used to be ur bestfriend hasn't even said hi to you yet."

"Liked! Okay past tense, I don't like him anymore."

"Liked who?" Another voice said.

Melanie turned seeing Steve infront of her, she turned red and didn't know what to say. Billy felt awkward and walked off, Steve noticed Melanie's silence so he hugged her. It took a few seconds but Melanie returned the hug. Steve pulled back from the hug and smiled.

"So are u back? For good?"

"I think so, yes."

"That's great. So how have you been?"

"Good, my dad got remarried.. I see you finally got with Nancy."

"Yeah, Dustin told me. Yeah you-she's great, it's great."

"Well that's nice."

An awkward silence falls over the two, Melanie never gave a proper goodbye before she left. Which gave Steve no chance to confess his true feelings for her, the feelings never left he just tried to fill that hole of Melanie with other girls, like Nancy.

Nancy was great and Steve was happy, but he could never love her the way he loves Melanie. On the other hand Melanie hasn't been with any guy since she left, her feelings for Steve never vanished and she hoped that if she ever saw him again that he would've waited for her. But he didn't, I guess not everything is meant to be.

Steve clears his throat, "So are u going to the Halloween party by Tina?"

"Who's Tina?"

"The girl that probably handed u that flyer." He says pointing to it in her hand.

"Oh her, uhm I don't know yet. I don't really have a costume.."

"Well I hope that you'll be there."

"Yeah, me too." Melanie says smiling.

Steve smiles back and slowly backs up to his next class, "I'm really happy you're back by the way Mel." Making her smile. The two then go separate ways in the hall.

Both walking away with a bouncing heart and feelings that can never be revealed.

THE CURSED - s.harrington ✓Where stories live. Discover now