Chapter 3- Our First Meeting

Start from the beginning

And I offered my hand for a hand shake. What, I didn't know what else to do. An amusing smile came on his face but he shook my hand. OMFG his hands were so warm. 

Aunty and Uncle asked me a few questions staring with " what do you do beta" " I am lawyer and I own a law firm Aunty" I responded " Arre wow beta" I look at Arjun to see him expression. I saw a smile on his face. Oh god he looks so cute while smiling I said to myself. Aunty asked me another question " Beta which college did you go to " " Harvard University Aunty for my Bachelor's and Master's Degree and then Harvard law school" "That's amazing beta" she said. I kept looking at him. God, he is soo cute and hot and sexy. After Aunty and Uncle asked me more questions. His siblings also asked me some.

My parents asked Arjun some. Almost the same kind. My dad asked " What do you do beta" " I own a companies Uncle, Dad's Company and my own , and I am also a lawyer" Arjun said. 

Damn what else do I need . Greek god looking husband who also owns multiple companies and IS A LAWYER. I can't stop staring at him. 

My thoughts got interrupted when his mom said " Don't you think the kids should talk in private" As soon as they said. I smirked finally time alone with Mr. Hotty I thought.

"Of course, Anshu you guys go to the backyard." She said smiling while addressing me. 

" Ok mom, This way, Arjun." I said to him smiling and started to walk ahead of him. Leading him to the backyard. 

I was very nervous. What are we gonna talk about. I barely get nervous, I am getting nervous because of him. OMG Seriously Advika get a hold of yourself. "Ummm have a seat" I said nervously.

 And we sat down maintaining a safe distance No No No No NO Bhavika. Be confident gurl. Be yourself. Should I say something?????????, but what will I say????????? Areeeeeeee. Advika just say something, Come on do it. 

Taking a big breath, making sure it was not audible. I asked him "Do you have any questions you want to ask me." God why did I say that, that is soooo stupid and simpleee. 

" Actually I think there is something you should know about me before I ask you any further questions." he said looking at me nervously. What did he want to tell. " oh ok sure go ahead." I said almost stuttering. Bhavika should stop being an ass and talk properly. 

"I have a daughter" he said. Wow damn I was shocked, he didn't look like a father but I didn't let it show on my face. Wait how are dad even suppose to look like?? I am for sure going crazy. 

Maintaining a straight face, "And you want to make sure I have no problem with that." I said looking right into his eyes. He has beautiful brown eyes, they look so............ innocent. " Um yeah" he said scratching his neck.

I love kids but this, this is gonna be a big responsibility; Am I ready for it? "Advika" I asked myself, "Do you want to do it?. "Advika listen you always wanted a daughter and after what happened with him. This is like a dream come true so say yes "My inner voice responded. 

"I am more than fine with it, Arjun I have always wanted a daughter." I said to him smiling. 

He looked shocked, like really really shocked. " Are you sure?" he asked me looking unsure.

"I'm sure Arjun, Now do you have any questions to ask me." I said without being nervous. Oufffff Finally, I can talk to this guy normally.

"No I don't think so" he said still being nervous

"Why are you so nervous?" I said to him slightly chuckling. Oh shit fuckkkkk why did I say that? Advika something is really wrong with you STOPPPPP. 

"I am not nervous" He said trying to lie. But my dear husband no one can lie to me. Well technically he isn't my husband yet.

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