4. Tanjiro..

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The trio walked in silence.

"Tan-..Kamado-kun where are we going ?"

Tanjiro looked at you and back at the ground.

"Tanjiro is fine..and we're going to my house..I..I need to bury my family.."

Your eyes widened. 'Poor boy..'

"I am so sorry Tanjiro.."

You fidgeted with the sleeves of your kimono, feeling the awkwardness between the two of you.


You and Tanjiro prayed for his family after burying them.

"..Let's go" he grabbed Nezuko's hand.

You stared at the buried family, getting a déjà-vu feeling.

Tanjiro turned back around and stared at you with confusion.

"Y/n ? Are you..coming ?"

Your eyes widened a little and you turned around to look at him.

"O-Oh yes i'm sorry Tanjiro !"

You walked toward him and hesitated before grabbing his hand.

You had a sad but comforting smile on your face as you stared at him.

"I.." You tried finding the right words.


He shushed you gently and squeezed your hand with a sad face.

"Let's just go"

He turned around one last time to look back at the buried corpse before looking back toward him and running with Nezuko and you.

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