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Tea wakes up the next morning to a cold, empty bed. Before she can freak out about her boyfriend being gone long enough for his warmth to have left the bed, the man in question walks out of the bathroom with dripping wet hair and a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Good morning," Hobi smiles warmly at her as he reaches for a pair of boxers. "Did I wake you?" he asks, concerned.

"No, no," Tea replies as she sits up, stretching her arms as she tries to smooth down her bed hair. "I just woke up," she tells him.

Hobi hums in response as he finishes getting dressed. "Why don't you go get ready and we can go down for breakfast. Jin and I cooked," he tells her as he comes to sit on the bed next to her, kissing her lips softly.

Tea just hums as he deepens the kiss, letting him take control of her. He pushes her back gently, moving her back onto her pillow easily as Tea's so lost in the pleasure that she doesn't even notice. He hovers over her, slowly moving his hands farther down when she finally realizes what he's about to do.

"No," she mumbles against his lips half-heartedly. "We can't, they might hear," she continues as she finally pushes Hobi off of her.

"I don't mind," Hobi grins mischievously at her before diving back in and peppering her face with light kisses, making Tea shriek with laughter.

"You have no idea how many nights I've had to spend awake just because TaeTae cannot keep his voice down," Hobi tells her with a grin.

"Ewww, I did not need to hear that," Tea grimaces, shoving her boyfriend off of her and laughing when he lands next to her on the bed with a very audible 'oof.'

"I'm serious," Hobi continues. "I swear that man's voice would resonate off the walls. The whole house would be up when he has sex," Hobi laughs out as Tea grabs a pillow and tries to shut him up by smacking him.

"Ok, ok, I'll stop," Hobi laughs as he gets off the bed, moving away from his weaponized girlfriend. "Go get ready," he tells her with his hands raised in surrender.

"I'll be quick," Tea says as she rearranges the blanket and the pillows back to their original places on the bed. She gives him a quick kiss before walking into the bathroom with a stupid smile on her face. She shuts the door gently, leaning on it as she stares at herself in the mirror. It's almost as if she's looking at a different person entirely. She's never seen her eyes this bright, without the dark circles of fatigue bordering them and her posture is more defined without the ache in her bones weighing her down.

She's well rested and happy because of him. And after what she learned yesterday, she's going to make sure that he is just as happy because he deserves it. For everything that Hobi does for the people around him, even for the fans across the world, to make sure that they are happy, he deserves a world of joy in return.

Tea starts to wash up, brushing her teeth with the extra toothbrush that her boyfriend clearly kept out just for her, before brushing out her hair with one of his extra combs and going through her facial routine. She never really had a routine until she met him, but Hobi sort of forced his skincare products onto her, so now she does whatever he does for his skin and she's not gonna lie, it seems to work really well.

Maybe I could look like an idol too, she thinks before laughing at herself. She walks out of the bathroom feeling refreshed and content.

"You look happy," Hobi comments with a smile as Tea walks over to him, giving him a hug.

"I am," she mumbles into his chest with a smile. "I'm very very happy," she tells him, moving back to look into his eyes. "You make me very happy," she finishes, being completely honest.

Tea and Coffee(A Jung Hoseok FF){ON HIATUS}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora