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After literally going through hell and back to save Meg, I made the decision to remain on Earth with her; finally knowing the place where I belong.

That turned out to be the perfect decision, as when Meg told me she was pregnant, I felt a joy that could rival the gods on Olympus, like Apollo's golden sun was shining down on us.

Our son Lykon is a feisty but brave and honorable young man of thirteen. He's definitely a mix of me and Meg; from me, he gets my noble heart and kind nature, from his mother he gets his brown hair and a quick sarcastic wit.

Lykon is our little warrior; he's good with a sword and a spear, and likes to spend his freetime training with his "uncle" Phil, even if Phil's house does take a bit of a beating; also, one time he threw a discus so hard, it ended up in Crete, and we had to pay for the damages to Minos's palace!

Another admirable trait in our son is his love of animals; he gets on with practically any animal he comes across, and brings them home, even particularly vicious ones like wolves or bears!

From zero to hero to god to mortal to family man, me and my family are truly ready to go the distance.

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