Chapter 8 [ My Past Is Your Fault ]

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Last Time~

Fang: Wow your room is so clean

Aaron: Thanks, hehe *places Detec bot down on the charger*

Fang: Is that a power sphera?

Aaron: Yup! Detec bot-

Aaron and Fang: -The one who detects any person from any edge of the universe!

Fang: But who do you wanna find?

Aaron: Uhm.... it's my.........boy friend actually *fiddles with fingers*

Fang: *heart breaks from inside* W-Who?

Aaron: His name is Arhaan

Fang: Oh!

Fang's Mind: Look look she is talking about me, her boyfriend Arhaan. I am so happy that I could die!

Aaron: He disappeared for 20 years without saying anything

Fang: oh *sad*

Fang's mind: WHy did I leave her TwT for that long

Fang: SO what exactly happened?

Aaron: Welll......






Aaron: Well, at first when we met at Laskar Station , we both were kinda, rivals, frenemies to be exact. Didn't like each other that much but, soon we both fell in love with each other and din't knew about it *chuckles*

Fang's mind: Ikr, I was so dumb to notice that too that time.

Aaron: One day, he accidentally touched Tru Bot which made him speak the truth to me. 

Fang: So that's how we- I mean you two confessed

Aaron: Yup! Everyone used to tease us both like saying "lovebirds" "rivals to couple" and so much more

Fang: (Ikr) Then?

Aaron: *sad* The one day Aarhan got a mission to go on a planet called Aria Sene he said he would be back soon but ............. *sobbing* He hasn't came back from 22 years! *crying* I am sorry to be this weak but I miss him so much........ I miss him

Fang: Don't cry pls (It's all my fault for not telling her from these many years, I am fool)

Sometime later~

Aaron: *sleeping* Aarhan

Fang: *wipes her tears* Don't cry my love, I will tell you this soon. One day I will




To be continued...

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