26 Kim Seokjin: Drunk Confession.

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(This chapter contains drinking underaged, AGE: 17 in this story)

"Yo, Y/n!" Jin ran up to me, a derpy smile on his face as always. "Hi, Jin." I chuckled, gripping the straps of my book bag. "Jungkooks throwing a huge house party tonight you in?" My fingers wiggled a bit. "For sure" He pats my head. "Cool, I'll pick you up at 7?" I nodded, and he ran no his next class giving a swift goodbye before he left. Jin and I have been best friends since 5th grade.

I've had a crush on Jin since then, and I don't plan on destroying everything for a stupid crush. If anything ruined our friendship I'd be crushed, I can't lose him Ever. "Y/n?" Jisoo waved her hand in front of my face, and I gasped. "You scared me!" I panted holding my chest, and she laughed. "Are you still thinking about Jin?" I sat back down in my seat. "Yes, I always am." I groaned.

"I think I have a problem Jisoo!" I fake sobbed, and she rolled her eyes. "Y/n, you know damn well that boy likes you back." I was about to speak when the annoying ass school bell ran through the cafeteria. "Cya!" Jisoo skipped away, "W-wait!-" She was already gone, I felt a person behind me. "Guess who!" Jin cupped his hands over my eyes.

I chuckled, knowing exactly who it was. "Hmmm... Jin!" He removed his hands and nodded, grabbing my bag we left the cafe. "Excited for the party?" I nodded, and he agreed. "You know, Seungmin has a pool." I tensed up, He pats my back. "But I will help you swim." I stopped walking.

"No, Jin-" "I'm gonna help you swim" He smiled, (Yes that was a reference from the song Twin-sized mattress by the Front Bottoms. lol) I sighed, stopping in front of my classroom door. "This isn't over" I squinted my eyes, he laughed. "Cya, Y/n" "Bye"

(Magical time skip)

Mindlessly copying notes my teacher spoke up. "Children this is the last day of school until summer is over." Everyone cheered, then she hushed us. "Make sure to do your summer reading! And have a great summer. And do your homework and turn it in! Unless u want an F!" We all got out of our seats.

"Y/n, come here please." I nodded, waiting for everyone to leave. "Honey, if you don't bring up your math grade u won't be able to graduate." My heart quickened. I knew this was coming, all Jin and I have been doing this semester is partying. No homework, most of the time no classes.

Just drinking or smoking in his car or at a party. Then we go to a fast food place or a target, snapping back to reality I nodded. "I promise I'll bring my grade up." She nodded, patting me on the back. "Have a goodnight, Y/n." I gave her a 'you too' and left, running to the unisex bathroom I slid down the wall.

Hot tears streaming down my cheeks, I sobbed. "Hello? Are you okay in here?" Someone spoke, I quickly wiped my tears but more poured. "Y-yeah" I shakily studdered out. "You sure? Can I come in?" I nodded, a maybe 6'0 man with short black hair walked in.

"How long have you been in here crying?" He sat on the tile in front of me, I shrugged. "maybe 5 minutes?" He nodded, after a bit, I told him why I was crying. "I'm Choi Soobin by the way" I gasped, "Sorry, My friend Jisoo has the hugest crush on you. Anyways, I'm Lee Y/n" He chuckled, then took my hand in his.

"Just know u can do it, the stormy days will come and so will the sunny ones. You just gotta learn to roll with the punches." He smiled, and I smiled back. We both got up. "Wanna come to a party with my best friend and me?" He shrugged. "Sure, why not" He followed me out to Jin's car.

"We got a new groupie" I laughed sitting in the front next to Jin. "Hey," Jin grumbled. "HI! I'm Soobin" Soobin smiled sweetly, Jin rolled his eyes but I didn't notice. For the rest of the car ride, Soobin and I talked about our interests.

(Jin's POV in the car)

I've been waiting 10 minutes for Y/n now. I send her another text, but she doesn't answer. Finally, I see her walking to my car when she opens the door a boy pops up next to her. "We got a new groupie" She laughed sitting next to me in the front. "Hey," I grumbled.

"HI! I'm Soobin" Soobin smiled sweetly, I rolled his eyes hoping she didn't see. For the rest of the car ride, Soo-trash bin and Y/n talked about their interests. It's fucking annoying, Y/n is mine, well, not "mine" But I like her and that little boy is not gonna steal her from me.

(Y/n's pov again)

"Let's go in!" I shouted excitedly, ready to get drunk, Jin opened my door for me. "Thank you, kind sir." I joked, and we all walked into the party. The music was loud, and party lights and streamers were all over the place. I guess only a couple of people were here because I only see 4 people in the living room and 2 in the kitchen.

I pulled Soobin and Jin into the kitchen with me. "This place looks fun" Soobin commented, I agreed. Handing them both red solo cups I drank out of mine, hopping up onto the counter. "WHO WANTS TO PLAY SPIN THE BOTTLE!"

Some random girl shouted, I shrugged. "We should play" Soobin stated, I nodded. Jin agreed, we all walked into the living room and sat down. "Hmm, Soobin spin first," Jennie stated.

He scooted forward and spun the bottle, it landed on m-me. My eyes widened a bit, shifting from Jin to the bottle to Soobin. I gulped heavily shugging the rest of my drink. "It has to be at least a 5-second kiss." Jennie changed the rules, what a bitch (Not rly I love Jennie irl LoL)

I scooted closer to him, he placed his hand on my nape. Then kissed me, it only lasted the required 5 seconds but it was still weird. Jin didn't even look at me afterward. "Jin, spin it" He rolled his eyes and spun it, it landed on Jisoo. My heart dropped, a pit forming.

she couldn't do this to me, could she? She scratched her neck and stood up. "I quit, I need to get home anyway." She gave me a thumbs up and left quickly, I sighed relieved. I quickly shot her a long text about how I loved her and thank her so much for not kissing him.

She shot me back a 'no problem, love u too' "Well I guess it's Yn's turn to spin" I spun it, it stopped on Jin. My heart pounded, my face setting aflame. "I-" Jin stood up and pulled me outside, shutting the patio door. "Jin-" He pulled me up, causing my legs to wrap around him.

Then we kissed, and sparks flew. I want this moment to last forever, a euphoric feeling filled my whole body. Pulling away he set me on the ground, I pouted but quickly stopped. "I've liked you for 5 years now Y/n. I don't care if you don't like me back I needed to tell you. And I swear to God if you Ever kiss Soobin in front of me again I'll kill him." I took his hands in mine.

"I much rather kiss you again may more than I would want to kiss Soobin ever" I giggled, kissing him again. "So-" I shushed him. "Kim Seokjin, will you be my amazing, funny, cute, sweet, kind, boyfriend?" He nodded lifting me up in a tight hug.

"I love you, Y/n" He smiled brightly. "I love you more, Jin" A roar of cheers and claps erupted from inside, Jin set me down. I turned around seeing everyone watching us. Soobin slid open the door. "THIS WAS THE BOY YOU TOLD ME YOU LIKED?!" I nodded, then he ran at me and tackled me in a hug. "I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!" He giggled, then helped me up off the ground.

"Okay, let's get you home before your mom freaks." Jin held my hand, we got in the car. "Bye, Soobin!" I waved, and he smiled waving back. He said he'll take a train home, Jin pulled up in front of my house. Giving me a long kiss goodbye, then I walked inside.

"Out partying again?" My mom asked sitting watching tv. "Yeah, sorry." She sighed. "I'm not mad, just please try not to drink as much and work on your math homework." I nodded, kissing her forehead goodnight. "Love you, mom." She turned up the volume ignoring me. I whispered to myself. "Love you too, y/n" sighing I went upstairs and flopped into bed.

Falling asleep still wearing jeans, and my converse.


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WORD COUNT: 1537 words

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