Sasha Banks v. Lash Legend

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Concluding the eventful premiere episode of Raw, Lash Legend and Sasha Banks were set to clash in a pivotal matchup for the brand. Legend couldn't have appeared any more confident for her first match, tossing a Saint Laurent fur throw over the camera whilst strutting around the ring in a reflective black latex matching set. Sasha, fueled by the fans cheering her name, stomped down the ramp to face her grandest foe yet.

The tension between the two competitors was palpable with the mutual aggression finally bubbling over after brewing throughout the entirety of the show. Gripping two handfuls of blue tendrils, Lash began the contest by swinging her opponent around, even opting to thrash her skull in between the top and middle ropes before discarding the weight with an over-the-top fallaway slam. However, ever the crafty opponent, Banks would transition the toss into a sunset flip! Although the kick-out was quick it would certainly form doubt in the newcomer's mind. Would Legend's own strength factor into Banks' game plan? Swiping her muscular forearm in the Boss' direction, Sasha would duck underneath and swing around her frame with a tilt-a-whirl russian leg sweep. With the larger woman flat on her stomach, Banks immediately attempted to grab ahold of the Bank Statement. Lash was wise to the submission however and utilized her strength to stand up with Banks upon her shoulder. She'd flip her over, wrenching the woman's spine with a canadian backbreaker. Was the Boss going to tap?!

Putting away Banks would prove to be much more difficult than that, evidenced by her tremendous escape from the hold. Although she was being bent in half she'd wiggle back and forth to offset Legend. With Lash stumbling towards the ropes, Sasha would bounce her feet off the top rope and flip forward with a gnarly jawbreaker! The momentum sent Legend's upper half forward until her features crashed into the shoulder of the smaller woman. Legend was more vulnerable than ever, opening the door for Sasha to hit several dropkicks in succession before following up with a meteora in the corner!

Towards the closing moments of the high-paced contest, both women were throwing every strategy out the window and instead engaging in a full-blown brawl. A boot from Legend sent Banks backtracking all the way towards the turnbuckles, only for Sasha to utilize the momentum to leap off the middle rope with a frog splash-esque crossbody. However, the host of Lashing Out put her power on display by catching the Blueprint. In the moments following, utter chaos would erupt. Somehow Sasha would manage to swing around Legend's frame, thrusting her downwards with a backstabber! But in the ascent back upwards from the impact, Lash crashed into Aja Smith and sent the referee tumbling out of the ring in a colossal collision. Realizing that no one was counting her pinfall, Sasha looked around in complete confusion before marching to the ropes to search for the fallen official.

Instead of spotting Smith, Banks would observe the underside of a size twelve boot colliding with her face; a boot that was fastened with a barbed wire designed strap stating 'Raquel Rodriguez' in bold font. The crowd watched on in complete dismay as La Chingona's boots collided with the steel steps and ventured her inside the ring. Lifting the dead weight up with ease, Rodriguez flung Banks into the corner with a buckle bomb before scooping her back up for an official Chingona Bomb. Statment made; she'd exit the ring and suddenly everything would come into focus. Lying in wait for her pupil would be none other than Stephanie McMahon, watching on with her signature diabolical smirk. The fiendish duo waited at ringside as an unsuspecting Lash Legend crawled into the cover at the same time that Aja Smith was able to make the three count. Slow claps from Banks' new rivals drew hollers and expletives from the crowd. However, Lash Legend was still declared the winner of Monday Night Raw's first main event within season two of RWWE. Clearly, this was the result of Sasha's bold mouth in the night's opening segment. Her "or what" was quickly answered in the form of a nightmare for the Raw Women's Division: Raquel Rodriguez under Stephanie McMahon's tutelage.

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