McKenzie Mitchell Reports Live

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Dazzling in a sequin getup, McKenzie Mitchell and her bangs stood poised with both rows of pearly whites on display and a microphone in hand. "Throughout the night, everyone has been wondering who would be brave enough to step up and accept Shayna Baszler's championship open challenge. Well... wait no longer. Please welcome, Shotzi!" The green-maned daredevil darted into the frame almost immediately, as spunky and fired up as ever. "McKenzie, everyone else around here ducks around corners and cowers at Shayna Baszler. And listen, I respect Shayna; she's the champion for a reason. Her game is impeccable and who could forget how she ended Mickie James' career and title reign a few months ago? But that's history. Tonight? I'm taking advantage of the opportunity no one else will accept and I'm leaving with that Raw Women's Championship. It's a new era in RWWE and tonight's win will be an accumulation of every challenge and obstacle I've overcome to get here. So... what do ya' say, McKenzie, is it time to make history or what?"

Shotzi fastened the buckle of her helmet around her chin with the final proclamation of a victory on the horizon. Hopping into her signature tank, the engine revved up for a moment before UP NEXT would lead into commercial.

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