Lashing Out with Lash Legend

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"Welcome to the premiere edition of Lashing Out with yours truly, Lash Legend!" A booming pop from the crowd sent Legend reeling around the ring, spinning to check for all sides of the sold-out Staples Center crowd in her sparkling baby pink latex matching set. "This is the go-to show for spilling tea, receipts, and juicy scoops into all of your favorite superstars' lives! I think that deserves two snaps and a clap, okay?!" A symphony of snaps and a clap echoed throughout the arena before the host continued; "We've got a packed show for you tonight! Not only are we kicking off the road to Money in the Bank, but rumors have it that Bayley will be showing her ugly mug for the first time in eons! I mean, who asked for her back? You all certainly didn't!" Legend's bold statement elicited a roar of boos, prompting her to introduce none other than Raw's General Manager: Stephanie McMahon.

"So, Steph... give us the deets, girl! What can the Lashing Out audience expect from tonight's show?" Legend interviewed, turning over the microphone to McMahon, seated only a few feet away. "Well Lash, aside from seeing brand new stars full of promise like yourself, the Raw Women's Champion will be in action! Shayna Baszler personally requested the time to allow any superstar to step up and accept her open challenge for the Raw Women's Championship. How's that for a scoo-" Before the Billion Dollar Princess could complete her announcement, a familiar Snoop Dogg sang tune hit; out came Sasha Banks!

The General Manager lowered her microphone, a devilish demeanor glazed over her visage. On the contrary, Banks had a grin plastered across her features as she entered the ring. All the while, cameras caught Legend with overly-expressive faces at the brewing story. "Stephanie, if there's anyone that deserves a championship opportunity, it's the woman you selected first for this brand in the draft. The blueprint; the bo-" Similar to Stephanie's prior interruption, Lash Legend would regain control of her show by stepping in between both bosses. "We WEREN'T done talking. If you enter my show, sweetie, you better come correct. Sasha Banks may have been selected first in the draft, but that's lukewarm tea. What's piping hotter than ever is Lash Legend. I mean... look at me, and then look at you" Disgust-tinged words stung Banks, especially with how Legend looked her up and down with disrespect. Before Sasha could even bother to scuffle, Lash's dangerous mouth began running once again; "What do you wanna' do?! You wanna' go?! Let's do it!" Banks, as fired up as ever, refused to step down and pushed back with her own series of fighting words.

"You know ladies, I'm liking the sound of this, and more so, I know that Los Angeles is loving the sound of Sasha Banks versus Lash Legend in tonight's main event!" Stephanie announced with a unanimous agreement from the LA natives, allowing the two newfound rivals to continue jaw-jacking before she paused only a mere foot away from Sasha. "And Sasha, if you ever think to interrupt me again, don't. Everyone is disposable... even the first draft pick. But good luck in your match later tonight, you'll need it." Banks was quick to retort an "or what" before McMahon exited the ring. As Banks and Legend's stare-down faded away, McKenzie Mitchell would pop on the screen to announce that after the break, Kairi Sane and Io Shirai would be competing for the first spot in Money in the Bank!

Monday Night Raw - (6/12/22)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ