Mortimer Handee X Reader

Start from the beginning

"Before I go and surely be amiss, could I get a goodbye kiss." Your cheeks burned with a small giggle, playfully punching Owen's arm who snapped back in attention. His eyes scanning around the room before locking onto your form in confusion,

"Owen stop flirting!" Your giggles dying down now,

"Wha-? No I wasn't. I don't remember if I was..." The last part you hadn't heard, it being to quite to hear. Owen looked from his puppet and back to you,

"Sure you were. See you around, lover boy!" You waved goodbye while leaving, the man heard murmurs and some people softly laughing. Feeling embarrassed with cheeks burning, what did Mortimer do now?


Looking at the door before you- Owen's Office. You debated if you should knock or even walk away. The Handeemen creator was the only one who probably had the employee binder, the one people could use to ask for day offs. It used to be in the employee lounge but some claim they saw some shaggy haired guy with a forlorn look take off with it. You knew who they were talking about, the only person to have such a description would only be Owen. Everyone seemingly having a clean looks compared to that man.

You proceed to knock on the door, when you hadn't heard anything for a little bit, you decided to knock a little louder this time. The sound of someone calling out had answered, the sounds were muffled. A chair moving and the thuds of shoes walking across the floor. You stepped back just a little, not knowing if this was one of the many doors that opened the opposite way.

You couldn't recall how many times you've whacked yourself in the face by pure accident!

The door to the office slowly opened, revealing the face of the man you were look for. Owen looked drained, tired wasn't anywhere close to what you were thinking. More like he were a zombie.

"Hey Owen!" You greeted with a smile, he looked to you with a raised brow. "I was wondering; Do you have the day off binder? It kinda went missing." The brunette appeared to be thinking, opening the door wider and stepping to the side.

"I- Maybe. Come inside- just... Don't touch the cases." It was your turn to look confused,


For what?

Taking a step inside, you couldn't help but to look around. You've never been nor seen the inside of Owen's work space, honestly it was almost bare compared to most rooms. A desk, computer set-up, that book case against the back of the room, a filling cabinet, and those cases Owen mentioned earlier.

Those cases Owen mentioned!

Without thinking, your feet carried you to the displays, each one holding a puppet behind their protective glass. Looking back to your manager, his back faced you as he sorted though the varies things upon his littered desk. Both papers and different colored binders sitting upon the surface, you barely heard the murmurs. Looking back to the displays before you, all four were here. You looked at each one, never noticing the great details until now. You never really got to see them up close and personal before... Well minus Mortimer himself. Speaking of said puppet, there was the main man himself!

Mortimer Handee had to been your most favorite puppet!

Honestly when you were first introduced, you hadn't liked his design at first but it grown on you whenever would bring the character to life. After the first season, you couldn't help but fangirl. The only time you started to swoon and giggle like a little school girl is when Owen would causally flirt with the puppet.

So charming!

It made you forget about 'Bad Boys' and always made you look forward to the gentleman's next visit.

"Mortimer looking handsome like always!" You just muttered to yourself, wiping the glass off with the sleeve of your sweater. "There you go. Nice and clean." Your [COLOR] eyes wondered over the figure until your gaze set upon Mortimer's wooden hands, you were a little confused, weren't Mortimer's fingers nubs? The tips of his fingers appeared to be pointed but weren't sharp.

If you think about it; The past week you last spoke, he had blunt finger tips.

Did Owen decide to slightly change the puppet's appearance ever so slightly? Leaning down, trying to take a closer look, seeing if anything else had changed. You jumped with a yelp when a hand touched your shoulder, standing straight with embarrassment. You can't believe you made such a sound infront of your boss! You tried to cover up your embarrassment with an awkward laugh,

"Sorry! I hadn't heard you approach." The male held out a lavender binder, 'Vacation Days' written in some unknown person's hand writing.

"I attend to have that effect on others." Taking the thing into your owns hands and sliding it under your arm. "A-A lot of people don't know I exist most of the time." That made you sad, Owen did such great work and was passionate for his projects. How could anyone not notice him?

A lot of your co-workers noticed you more often then not, even though you were just a stage hand and this guy was the flipping genius for creating Mortimer's Handeemen! You patted the man's bicep before giving it a friendly shake,

"I'm sorry if I caused you to be upset. It wasn't my intention to accidentally ignore you." You apologized once more, mentally scolding yourself for being rude. Owen shrugged it off, stuffing his hands into his khakis.

"There's no need to apologize. It's something I've grown used to over the years." Owen nodded his head to the door, indicating this conversation should end already. You didn't need any other hints to know what he meant, before you left, Owen spoke once more. "Before you clock out today, could you bring it back. I'll be needing it later." You were a little confused until you glanced to the binder, understanding what he was talking about.

Manager stuff. Stuff you wouldn't know about.

"No probs! I will." You gave the best friendly smile you could muster, which Owen didn't like. The thought of you lying fluttered through his mind, most of his employees does it. You wouldn't be any different. The man hummed in acknowledgement, closing the door in the process but you quickly stopped that. Owen looked surprised when you opened it wider, hand holding onto the edge. "Owen, Mister Boss Man, if you want to chat or hang after work, you can always call me?"

You were referring to your phone number that had been written in your application,

"Maybe you won't feel so invisible. I know I wouldn't like to feel lonely." Your hand slid away from the door frame, a look of hopefulness twinkled in your [COLOR EYE] orbs.

"I-I'll think about it." With that said, the wooden door fully closed within your face. It wasn't harsh or rude, it was like uncertainty or scared it'll get a bad reaction. You stared for a few more minutes, letting out a sigh, you went the opposite direction of your boss' office.

An Introvert.

You know what that's like. Having been one all highschool before finding your voice. You're still one but it's not as bad as when you were a teenager, some of your friends helped you. Maybe you could try with Owen, then maybe his own employees wouldn't see him in such a bad light.

You heard the rumors and didn't like them one bit... But you just can't help yourself from listening.

[1]-Indents don't show.

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