Chapter 109: The Devil of Vainglory and Vanity

Start from the beginning

Robin Arak Status

Race: Elf
Gender: Male

Age (in elven years/in human years):52 years old/ 20 years old
Height: 1 meter and 70 centimeters.

Likes: Taking care of his daggers, sneaking on Wukong, fishing, freedom, getting embarrassing photos of cute girls, peeking on girls, loyal people, going with Wukong and Evan, teasing Evan, being with his comrades.
Dislikes: Elizabeth, corruption, slavers, having to deal with Darya's anger.

Level: 60


HP: 70000/70000
MP: 20000/20000
STR: 500
VIT: 600
INT: 200
DEX: 800
AGI: 800

Magic affinity: Basic Magic, Dark Magic, Thunder Magic.
Skill affinity: Thief, Assassin, Paparazzi, Magician, Enhancer, Survivalist, Shadow Walker, Ninja, Craftsman.

Titles: The greatest reckless man in the world, the herald of all jackasses, insane paparazzi who peeked on a goddess, public enemy of Zerax and Ezneas, grand godslayer, he who took photos of the girls of the four heavenly group, he who sneaked in Neradath, he who survived Sumeragi's and Evan's wrath, Hermes.

Job: Paparazzi, Thief, and Jackass.

Special skills:

Speed Barrier: No matter how fast the user is, they'll be immune to damage caused by going fast and will never take falling damage.

Struck by Lightning: The user has been struck by electrical attacks so many times, that they have acquired a natural resistance to electrical damage. In fact, the user has a 25% resistance towards thunder spells and all kinds of electrical damage.

Resurrection: The user has been resurrected and reincarnated in a new body, resetting his level to level 40 without losing a single skill point.

Mana resupply: Active, 0 MP. The user recovers an 80% of the total mana the user has used in the last hour. Only works once every day.

Super body: The user's body is far better than usual, so it can withstand way better than the average person the side effects of skills like Limiter Release.

Super Perception: The user's perception abilities double in terms of effectivity, and enhances the processing speed of the user.

Royal Surge: The user recovers 50% of their remaining HP, and all of their mana when they lose 50% of their HP.


Ninja (Master):

Presence suppression: Makes the user harder to be detected by anyone, allies included.

Hunting Eyes: The user can find tracks faster than normal people. Also allows to detect trails like blood trails.

Tool Mastery: The user can repair tools with enough materials, and their accuracy while using tools increases.

Grand Ninja Sensing: The user's mana sensitivity is greatly enhanced, so enhanced they can see the magic traps clearly.

Grand Ninja Blade Skills: The user can use more efficiently the ninja sword, and so increases their speed to wield them.

Death Absorption: Active, 0 MP. After killing an opponent, the user can absorb the mana that the dead has and use it to replenish their own mana pool. This said, the skill takes a few minutes to work and if hit while doing so... The damage will be critical and will paralyze the user for half a minute.

Ninja Evasion: Active, 5 MP. The user can avoid an attack really fast, even when they are in the middle of the air. That said, this won't help them avoid spells that target the user specifically, like Guided Bolt.

Ninja tool Precise Throw: Active, 10 MP. The user can throw a ninja tool in such a precise way, there's a high chance of them hitting a fly with them.

Precise Throw: Active, 25 MP. The user can throw any item in a really precise way, less precise than the ninja tool throw skill, but it takes a few seconds to fully function.

Hearing Boost: Active, 10 MP/Second. The user can enhance their hearing in order to hear conversations from 100 meters away.

Ghost Walk: Active, 15 MP/Minute. The user can walk without making noise, and without being detected.

Sky Jump: Active, 50 MP. The user can jump midair, and at least up enough to reach to a third floor.

Concealment of the Ninja: Active, 20 MP. The user can conceal their position, but can't move while using this skill.

Flesh Cutter: Active, 30 MP. A quick slash that is shallow, but can cause a grevious wound that can't be healed with normal means.

Shadow Slash: Active, 40 MP. Pinnacle skill. A fast slash, aimed at the back to ensure that the target can't move.

Assassin (Master):

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