"Hello, Rosé?"

"Hello, Good morning, Boss. You needed anything?" She asked in her strict australian accent. Super straightforward.

"Actually yes, can you please send me cup of dark coffee in my desk?"

"Sure, Sir. Will that be all?"

"Yeah, that'll be it" he ended the call.
He did drink his morning coffee at home but today it wasn't enough. He needed a dark one. Life's been a huge stress since a few days.

Of course, Namjoon's Eomma only talks about the engagement whenever he'll have a conversation with them. Office pressure was hectic, he hasn't told Yeji anything yet. He hasn't been able to spend time with Jimin recently, not that the younger was complaining. He haven't said a single word about it which Namjoon is grateful for.

Jimin knows about official stress, he was a busy person himself. Surely, he knew about meetings, official pressure etc.

"Sir, may I come in?" A soft voice said knocking on the door.

"Come in" Namjoon said as he heard footsteps getting closer.

"You must've brought my dark coffee. Keep it in the table and you can go" he said typing on the laptop.

"Always so busy aren't you, Mr Kim?" The voice said making Namjoon blink.
Wait..that voice sounds -

"..Jimin?" He whispered widening his eyes as the younger smiled slyly.

"Hii! Thought I'd visit your office to see you" He said making his way to Namjoon's desk.

"Of-of course, I didn't expect you to come here at this time.."

"I'm not disturbing you, am I ?"

"No-no it's just-"

"Were you thinking about me, hyung?" Jimin came closer to him, leaning into him as he whispered in his ears sending shivers down his body.

"Hmm? Because I've been thinking about you all day" He teased with that sly smile

"No- I..yea-" Namjoon blinked stuttering in his words. As if he forgot how to speak all of a sudden.

"Were you ignoring me, hyung? I've been meaning to meet you since so long and you didn't even called. It shouldn't make me sad but it did" He nuzzled into the older one's jaw.

"Jimin-I what are you-"

"Do you know what I think?"

"I think I'm falling for you, Mr Kim" He whispered in Namjoon's ear, he can feel the hot breath of Jimin's.

"I know it's too soon but I can't help it..why am I like this, mm?"

"Jimin-ah,I don't know how-" Namjoon started.

"You don't have to tell me you feel the same way, it's okay" he reassured.

"Actually, you know what? Fuck everything, fuck my feelings. I want you" he suddenly said, hands finding their way to Namjoon's collar.

"Wha-, Mochi-ah, we-" Namjoon was cut off with a warm kiss. He widened his eyes when he felt the younger's soft plump lips into his. Even though he was in shock but he kissed back, tasting Jimin's soft lips fully. That's right, fuck everything.

"Mmm...the nickname is a huge turn on for me, you know?" He whispered, tightening his grip into Namjoon's collar

"Jimin, somebody can see us"

"So what? You're a CEO, no one will care about what a CEO does at his office"

"Wha-it doesn't work like that..I-"

Closed Gaps जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें