Chapter 1: Rumors.

Start from the beginning

"There all done," I said to Fíli about his hair and picked up a mirror and obviously changing the topic. I put the mirror in front of him for he could see himself. I was also ignoring Dís looks of sorry and concern.

Fíli smiled as he looked at himself in the mirror. "I love it auntie Freyja. Thank you for braiding my hair," he said as he leaned up and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"You are very welcome my cute nephew," I said with a smile but then it turned into a internal frown. Of course I wanted children, not just two cute nephews.

I smiled as Dís took Fíli into her own arms, "it makes you look very handsome." She said with a smile laugh.

"Well I better get going back home. Are you coming over for dinner once Eitri gets home?" I asked my sister-in-law.

Dís nodded her at my question, "yes he should be back soon." She said to me with a smile.

"Well I will see you all then," I said as I stood up from the chair.

"Bye Fíli. I'll see you later at dinner," I said to my nephew and gave him a light hug.
After leaving Dís families home I walked down the hall to my own home. Once inside I took off my cloak placed on a chair. I could hear Thorin with Balin in his study. They sounded like they were talking about something.

"I'm home," I called out as I walked towards Thorin's study.

Thorin came out of his study and met me half way, "welcome home. How is my sister and the boys?" He asked me as he wrapped his arms around me pulling me into a hug.

"They are good, but Fíli is exhausting with all the running around he does. I gave him a bath and spent most of the time chasing after him because he didn't want to get dressed," I said to Thorin with a tired sigh.

Thorin just chuckled, he knew his nephew could be a handful.

"So what are you two up to? I thought you wouldn't be home yet?" I asked Thorin curiously.

"Oh nothing much," he said to me and gave me a quick kiss on my lips.

I raised one eyebrow at my husband in a suspicious manner. "Okay. I'm going to go down to market to pick things up for dinner."

Thorin nodded his head as he turned to walk back to his study.
Fifteen minutes later I was walking through the market place looking for items we would need for dinner. I had my cloak on, but my hood was down. So people could notice who I was. That was when I began hearing the whispers again.

"Look there she goes," someone whispered to someone else.

I frowned as the gossip began. As soon as I passed by someone they would talk about me to someone else. Really I was sick of it, the gossip was bad enough. But the fact that they had no respect for me was worst.

"I'm sure she can not even have children," some woman dwarf whispered to her friend.

"No I just think she does not let him touch her," the friend said back.

I could feel tears roll down my cheeks as I bought the food items that I needed. 'I need to get out of here,' I thought to myself. I just wanted to go home and curl up in ball on my bed.

"I'm surprised that Thorin married her in the first place," one woman said with a laugh. "I mean she doesn't even have a proper beard. What does he see in her?" She said another dwarf.

The other dwarf woman shook her head slowly. "I don't know, what he sees in her. She is not even beautiful," the woman snickered to her friend.

I couldn't stand it anymore. I paid for my purchases and ran all the way back to my home that I shared with Thorin. It was just like when I was a child in Erebor all over again. But it was worst this time, for the rumors and gossip was a lot meaner. Also when I was a kid I had my parents and sisters to comfort me or each other. Since my sisters got teased also. Now I only had Thorin and his family. My own family was gone.

My two younger sisters did not make it out of the mountain alive, the day that Smaug attacked. My mother had survived, but died months later due her injuries. My father had survived the attack. Only to be killed during The Battle of Azanulbizar, along with Thorin's younger brother Frerin.

I threw open the door of our home and aloud slammed it behind me. I began to cry as I leaned against the door. I collapsed from the pain of their words and let my body slid down onto the floor. I was a one big mess.
Thorin's POV:

"Freya what is wrong?" I asked as I ran out of my study.

I had heard the door slam shut and heard my wife's cries of emotional pain. As I ran out of my study I saw my wife Freya half laying and half sitting on the floor against the door. Her basket with purchases was sitting by her side.

She did not answer my question as she laid there on the floor. I let out a loud sigh as I calmly walked towards my wife. I could see the tears rolling down her cheeks and onto the floor. She did not look up at me as I walked to her. She was staring at the floor, not making a sound.

I kneeled down beside her pulling her into my arms. With the swap of my finger I wiped away the tears on her face. "Shhh, it will be okay." I said as she continued to cry.

"Those people they were saying stuff again," she finally choked out through her cries.

Let out a long sigh as I pushed back her hair out of her face. "Don't listen to them Freya. They know nothing," I said as I bent down and kissed her cheek.

"Come on let's get you up off of the floor." I said to my wife as I stood up and pulled her up with me.

She collapsed again into my arms, so I carried her into our bedroom. I laid her down onto the bed and tucked her under the covers. I left the purchases down on the floor next to the front door. So I walked back to the door and picked up the basket. I carried the items for door to our kitchen and placed them on the kitchen table.

"Is she okay?" Balin asked as he walked into the kitchen from the study.

I sighed as I looked up at my friend. I had forgotten that Balin was still over. I slowly shook my head as I put away the items my wife had bought. "No, but she will be eventually." I said as I turned to face my friend. "I try my best to ignore the rumors and their hurtful words. But I can't stand to see my wife in pain Balin."

Balin nodded his head at Thorin's comments. "Aye, she doesn't deserve it laddie. She is wonderful and loving person." He said to Thorin. "Where is she?" Balin asked.

I nodded my head agreeing with my friend. My wife definitely did not deserve all the pain these other dwarves were causing. "I laid her down on our bed. I think she fell asleep," I said with a sigh.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. This is my first time writing in first person. So if I have issues, I may switch back to third person.

Please let me know what you think of the story so far.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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