Chapter 7: Fangs and claws

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Void sighs. 'Start with sorry. Now, here's the school. Step out, you can find your own way from here on.'

Liam quickly gets out and before he can say anything else Void drives away. 'Who does Theo need?' I ask suspiciously. Void tilts his head and looks at me.

'Eyes on the road.' I order. 'I don't have a death wish.'

'Relax, I won't let anything happen to you. But I gave Liam a pretty clear clue I'm sure you can figure out too.'

'Don't play riddles on me. Just tell me.'

'You already know.'

I do. I just don't want to. And I'm not gonna admit it so I just keep my mouth shut. I stubbornly stare out of the window and refuse to believe him.

Void sighs. 'Kitten, it's fine. I'll protect you, you'll learn to protect yourself. He won't hurt you. Not again.'

I swallow. 'Still. Theo is gonna ask help from the guy that put all of this on me.'

Void nods. 'Theo wants power. Deucalion can give it to him.'

I sigh and look back at the road. It's still dark and it's even darker now Void turned of the car's light. Yet I can see things just fine.

Void stops the car close to the forest and we get out. I shiver. 'Why are we here?'

'Because it's dark and there's no one around.'

I look up at him. 'You know this sounds kinda creepy yes?'

'Oh, I'm aware. Rule number one, always be on guard.'

Out of nowhere he pulls a knife and throws it at me. In a reflex I feel my eyes turn and my hands clap forward to catch the knife.

'You died once, you will try everything to stay alive this time since you perfectly remember it now. You are way stronger than you think, and with every day you get even stronger now.'

I still try to process the fact that he just threw a knife at me. He threw a freaking knife at me!

'Why the hell did you do that!?'

Void suddenly appears behind me. 'Because you need to know your spirit will protect you from now on.'

'I don't understand, I died before right?'

'Yes, but you were reincarnated, you didn't remember anything. Now you do. You died Keylee, and you came back as Keylee. Not as someone else.'

I don't really think I fully understand it but I don't think I ever will with this supernatural stuff. so I just nod. The hairs in my neck stand up when Void moves his face closer to my ear. 'Kitten. I'm gonna teach you another lesson alright?' He whispers softly.

I nod. I don't trust my voice. Why is he so freaking close? And why do I feel like this? I look straight forward as I feel Void turn his head to look at me. I can feel his nose brush against my ear and I close my eyes on instinct.  I don't like this, at least that's what I tell myself. Yet I also don't push him away. Is he testing me or something?

'You always, always, need to focus.' 

Little problem right now. I can't focus. Not when he's so close for no reason at all! Or well, there is probably a reason but I don't know it.

I automatically let out a shrill shriek as he spins me around and pushes me against a tree with the knife on my throat I held in my hands a few seconds.

'What are you gonna do now Kitten? You didn't focus, now you could die.'

I just stare at him. Would he really kill me again? I don't think he would but I didn't think he would kill me the first time either.

The Void Throughout (Void Stiles - book 2/3)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon