author's note you'll probably skip

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If you are reading this, that means you didn't skip, so thank you.

You are the few people that actually read the author's note instead of automatically reading the prologue. And that means you are a rare one. Congratulations.

I'll start with this.

This fanfiction is made purely by mine and my friend's imagination. This fic is completely made for entertainment purposes, and we have no plans on making a fixed upload schedule. So in short, we'll update this fic any time we want.

But, even if I said this is made for entertainment, we do made the crossover a bit deep. 

As you know, Detective Conan and Jujutsu Kaisen are two very different anime/manga, with a totally different world, different settings, different concept, and different model of characters.

So you can imagine the challenge we took when we decided to make a crossover about them. With that in mind, please do excuse the things we'll slightly modify about the canon story, both in Detective Conan and Jujutsu Kaisen. We'll try to keep most of the things stay true to the actual story, but for easiness, we'll slightly change stuffs.

We also added our own original characters, 3 in fact. We didn't originally plan to add them, but mixing this two story together is kinda hard without extra characters to tie them together, so we decided to put them in. 

On that note, I have no plans on making this fic romance-focused. The romance are gonna be very scarce, or maybe non existent, because that's not our goal on writing this fic. So don't expect romantic scenes to happen (outside of canon romance of course).

Our goal from making this fanfic is to just see how this two completely-different plot coexist on the same universe. Don't expect anything other than that.

The next point, is about our language ability.

We are not native english speaker. Though we can say we could speak english pretty well, we are bound to make mistakes. So please do excuse the grammar errors that you'll find in this fic. 

This is also my first time writing a fanfic in english. So I'm sorry if there are strange sentences you'll come across.

Next, is about the arts we used in this fic.

Other than the illustration for the cover (which is drawn by Oka Kojiro, can be found in pixiv), everything is made by us (one of the author). 

Lastly, you can also find this fic on ao3, on our other account. Other than here and there, we do not publish our story anywhere else.

So... yeah.

That's all we can say for now. 

To end this note, we wanna say thank you for reading this 'joke' fanfiction. We hope you enjoy the ride.

- A & R.

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