Chapter 24~ Smile

Start from the beginning

Once Lucas was out of view, I let out a sigh of relief before turning to Gene and whispering, "Was the implication about our non-existent sex life necessary?"

"In my defense, I thought it was pretty funny. He shouldn't have used the word leashed."

I puffed out my cheeks. "...You're so right." On the other hand, picturing it was kinda h— "Well, you warded Lucas off. Let's go talk to everyone else!"

"Sounds like a plan. Except there's one thing."


"I meant what I said about liking being around you."

And just like, the smiling was back.


Despite already knowing that F/n and Sydney were engaged, I teared up at their official announcement. At some point during the evening, they slipped on their rings and as everyone was about to start eating, they showed off their dazzling diamonds of fiancée-ship. Diane, F/n's mom, ended up making fun of me for my tears, even though she was full on crying. Zack was looking away from the spectacle, but I noticed him sniffling a bit and his eyes looked watery. On the other hand...Sydney's parents wore smiles on their face, but their expressions felt blank, further supporting my theory that rich people are robots. They probably profit off of Valentine's Day! I have no idea how they're rich but still, ugh...

Later into the evening was the obligatory F/n and I BFFS only conversation. We were out on the porch swing, the chilling night air causing me to draw close to F/n.

"Y'think our younger selves would be happy with how our lives are now?" she asked.

"We're feeling deep tonight, are we?" I joked. "I think younger me would be surprised, but I think she'd be happy. A little disappointed that I didn't end up with a fictional character, but I ended up with a guy that treats me like he's written by a woman, so it works out!"

"Maybe we're all written by a woman...or like a high school girl or something."

I furrowed my brows. "Are you high? Or have you been drinking?"

She shook her head. "I'm just out of is exhausting, y'know. That reminds me, you have yet to invite me to your place!"

"Whoops, thought I made it clear you could swing by whenever!"

"Maybe I'll swing by tomorrow."

Thankfully, I'm off of work tomorrow so I get to avoid our busiest day of the week, but... "I won't be home, been staying at Gene's, remember?"

The front door creaked open and someone stepped out, but I couldn't see who.

"Oh, right, you're looking after him. Or is there something sinister going on? Is he keeping you prisoner?" F/n questioned.

"Please say no." The unknown figure turned out to be Lucas.

F/n groaned. "Intruding, much?"

Lucas placed himself next to F/n. "Come on, we hardly ever hang out! So what's this about being prisoner?"

"It's nothing, just F/n joking around about Gene," I said. "What's with you and Gene, anyway? Thought you were friends-ish?"

"Well, I only knew him for a short time through work. I'm sure he's great, but...I've only heard weird things out of him today."

"Maybe you're just jealous of him," F/n suggested.

"After the things I've heard? Definitely not," Lucas retorted.

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