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To take my mind off things I went with Mrs. James, Dillon, and Darnell to a dinner to congratulate him.

Dinner two nights in a row? At least I got to see my daughter.

"Surprise!" Coop shouted with Cordelia in one hand and balloons in the other and Spencer did the same
"You really didn't think I was gonna let you leave like that? Did you?" Mrs. James chuckled

"Hey baby" I smiled whilst going get the baby from Coop
"Surprise indeed, she needs to be changed" Coop handed her to me

"I missed you, so, so, so much" I whisper to her as I go to change her diaper

I finished and picked her up to go with the rest of the group, I saw Spencer and Cam near each other and not arguing, shocking.

"Yo, the fact that y'all two in the same room and not coming at each other's necks" Darnell chuckled
"For real, every time y'all around each it look like a girl fight" I join

"Family over everything" Cam said as he dapped Darnell up
"Damn right, heard that" Coop agreed

I laughed as I walked to the table with Coach Baker.

"I'm disappointed" He started
"In what?" I asked

"You and Jordan, I'm not gonna be like everyone else and saying y'all should be together but I'll damn sure say that Simone shouldn't have come between y'all" He explained

"Coach, that's his w-girlfriend what do you want me to do about that? Because I truly can't do anything about it, even if I wanted to, and not being friends anymore is better, Jordan's slipped up already" I throw one of my hands up in exaggeration

"It was one kiss, I probably shouldn't say that but you know what I mean" He scolded

"Speaking of surprises, I brought one for you two" He said to Spencer and I
"It's out in the porch" He finished

"What you talking bout" Spencer furrowed his eyebrows
"It's out in the porch" Coach said again which made Spencer and I laugh

We stepped outside to see Jordan sitting on the stairs.

"What the hell" I mutter to myself

I would've gone back in the house if Jordan didn't turn around and if Cordelia didn't go crazy when she saw him.

She was always all smiles and giggles when she saw her dad.

"Hey cutie" Jordan smiled as he got up and got the baby
"Sit" Spencer demanded as he pat a spot on the stairs between he and Jordan

"Look, guys about our beef" He started
"We're family, right Holland" Spencer said

"Holland, Spencer's my boy but this whole fighting with you thing hurts the most, we've been friends since forever, and I have been beating myself up about how I let a girl come in between us and it's happening with Olivia too, remember when we always used to go do dumb shit and somehow I'd be the only one to get in trouble but you and Liv always go me out of trouble" He ranted

I chuckled at the memories "Im surprised you haven't been to jail"
"Me too" Jordan joined the laugh

"We family, family fights" Spencer stood up and leaned against the railing as I agreed

"That's it? I mean usually y'all have something more to say, whether it's a rude comment or a wise life lesson" Jordan said

"My bad, I'm actually saving that for Darnell's party later" Spencer said
"Also, there's nothing else that needs to be said" I added and they agreed

So...we all know this is gonna happen again right?

Jordan then sighed.

"You alright?" Spencer asked
"Simone is taking her son back" He said

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