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Jordan POV

I was walking down the hall at school to go prepare for the game when I got a call from my dad.

It was weird because this was my first football game at Beverly without him but it was even weirder that he was calling.

"Dad?" I answered
"Hey! What's happening man? Big night how you feeling?" He said through the phone
"Nervous" I answered honestly

"Yeah ok, well you know that's normal, first game jitters" He assured

"Look, I'm sorry I can't be there" He apologized
"It's cool, don't worry about it" I shook it off

"Look dad, I gotta get dressed so" I began to end the conversation as I looked through the gym window

"Yeah, yeah. right, right. Just real quick I want you to uh, watch out for number 99 he's got a quick first step" He started

"Yeah. Yeah, yeah, Montes is gonna double him, so" I said

"Oh, ok. Cool. Good call" He agreed

Holland POV

"Her first football game!" Jaylene beamed as we got dressed for the game

"I know! I don't usually take games this seriously but, anything for my beautiful niece" Olivia brushed her hair
"Guys look what Mrs. Baker got her" I showed my baby in the onesie to Jaylene, Layla, and Olivia

It was a blue onesie with yellow hemming that said Baker on the back and had a 1 on the front and back in the color red, it was meant to resemble Jordan's jersey. I also paired it with socks, a hat, and a random blanket

"So cute" Layla smiled as she tickled Cordelia
"Ready?" Jaylene dangled her keys
"Totally" Layla answered excitedly

I put Cordelia in her carseat and walked downstairs. I was wearing black jeans, a Kehlani graphic tee, and black converse plus my infamous afro and I had Jordan and JJ's number's written on my face in black face paint.

At The Game

Liv went to find Asher as Jaylene, Layla, and I sat down.

"We're close enough to see the game close up but far enough to where we won't get splashed in sweat" Layla explained

"The sweat is the best part, and eye candy" Jaylene whispered

"Girl, #40 has taken a toll on you" Layla mumbled
"We're just sleeping together" She assured us

"You know who you sound like? Jordan, he said that about all the girl he with then ended up marrying one of them" Olivia came from nowhere

"Enough about Simone and Jordan" I said sternly
"Geez, ok, but you need a boo" Jaylene crossed her legs
"That's what I have Harry Styles for" I answered whilst bouncing my baby on my leg

Next thing we knew Beverly had scored a touchdown.

"I was paying no attention" Layla admitted

"Number 32 is cute, Cody? I think that's his name" I looked at the guy on the football team
"You're only saying that because he looks like Patrick Dempsey in Scream 3" Olivia chuckled

"Correct, though I heard he cheats...a lot" Layla chuckled
"Welp there goes that" I cleared my throat
"Woo hoo! Go Zach!" Jaylene shouted her lover's jersey number

"Go Beverly!" Layla shouted after her

"Go Jordan! That's my twin brother! I know, shocking right" Olivia screamed whilst waving blue and yellow pom poms

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