Darrel is...crazy?

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⚠️ INCEST ⚠️

Darrel Curtis' POV

"Sodapop, I don't need a lecture, go back to bed." I sat up. "I'm not here to give you a lecture." "Thank. God-" I was cut off by Sodapop who was now sitting on my lap... was he drunk? He started to try and kiss me but I just turned my head. I smelt the alcohol in his breath, it made me practically gag. I've gotten drunk but that was when I was Soda's age and even then I never got drunk enough for me to try and kiss someone. "Sodapop get off." I'm pretty sure I growled before I said that. Eventually I was pinned underneath him. I never pictured this happening to me. I tried to push him off but my body wouldn't let me, it wouldn't even let me say anything. I whimpered a bit because he was being aggressive but it didn't help the cause. He started kissing and biting my neck, hard. It hurt but I tried to stay calm. He started grinding on me and I couldn't help but start crying. It's pretty pathetic but I couldn't do or say anything.
"Soda...what are you doing?" It was Rose. "I knew he was drunk." Rose pulled Soda off of me. Soda just wandered off downstairs.
"You okay?" "I- I don't even know..." I could tell Rose felt bad for me, I hated people pitying me. "I'm gonna go get Soda in bed, can Pony sleep in here tonight?" "Mhm."

-The next Day-

"Morning." "Morning Pone, where's Sodapop and Rose?" I walked into the kitchen to cut up some cucumbers for Soda, for some reason when he drinks he likes to eat cucumbers the day after. Guess it's got something to do with the fact that he's high off life and he's only drank when Steve convinced him too. "The lot with the gang-" I noticed a note on the fridge. "Don't let Darry use knives unsupervised... Seriously Ponyboy?" "That was Soda... sorry." "I see why you're watching me now." "I trust you but Soda would kill me if I left you alone." I was kind of hurt... Soda really doesn't trust me anymore. "Look- you're his only father figure, his brother and the love of his life all at once. You'd be this way too, in fact you'd be worse." I think I realized every single time I'd been strict on my brothers in about 10 seconds. It was crazy. "I'm sorry." I finished cutting up the cucumbers and put it in a bowl, putting it in the fridge. "Why?" "I'm a horrible brother. I've genuinely only been strict on you guys and when I wasn't I was watching your every move." "It makes you a good father." Ponyboy left into the living room and put on shoes. "You coming?" "I gotta get a jacket or something on." Ponyboy followed me upstairs and made sure my door stayed open. I put on a sweater and decided it was good enough.
Once we got to the lot the whole gang went silent. They knew. "Ponyboy, tell me what's going on." I stopped him from walk into the grass. He hesitated. "We signed you up for therapy... but the whole gang found out because they overheard me and Soda talking and now everyone knows... everything." I felt a gloss over my eyes but quickly wiped it away. The gang would never look at me the same.

Johnny Cade's POV

"Hey..." Steve was the first one to speak. "Hi." Darry sat down next to me, I think I'm some sort of a comfort person to him. "You doing okay?" I whispered so only we could hear. "Mhm." He mumbled to the point where I could barely understand him.
"Two-bit game?" Everyone glared at Two. "Okay... so yes?" "NO!!!" Ponyboy yelled and it kinda brought the gang back to normal. Everyone laughed for a bit but it turned to silence again. "Ca-can we try playing something besides that game? Maybe Truth or Dare just not rigged?" Rose is very good at negotiation when it comes to Two.

We were about half an hour into the game when it came to Dally's turn. We still used the cards, just not rigged ones. "Johnnycake. Truth or dare?" "Dare." If I don't wanna share something I shouldn't be forced to by a game. "I dare you to- can I get a different card?" "Nope." "Fine. I dare you to make out with the person to your right until one of yours next turn." I turned to my right, it was Darry. He gave me a look that said I could but I wasn't sure if I wanted to. I looked over at Ponyboy and he gave me a quick nod of his head. Two always pressured me so he was pretty much saying just do it already the whole time, I knew him, Dally, Steve and Soda were probably drunk by now though. Soda obviously just off life as always. I turned back to Darry. I had to sit up a bit so I could reach him. I kissed him and it felt like when I kissed Ponyboy... which was odd because I barely knew Darry. I was kinda leaning over him. He eventually sat fully down so I wasn't practically standing. After a bit of kissing I slid my tongue into his mouth. He was probably thinking what the fuck is this kid doing but luckily that was cut short.

"Darry truth or dare?" It was Soda. Darrel looked like he was relieved. "Dare." I dare you to-" Soda went red. "... I dare you to kiss me..." the gang stopped all of their side conversations. "...I have too?" "Yes." Two was honestly being a bitch today. Darry walked over and sat in front of Soda. He sighed and muttered something along the lines of let's just get this over with. Soda leaned in, it took a few moments but they kissed. They ended the kiss pretty quick but I could tell Darry wasn't into it so I'm glad.
My turn came around, Ponyboy asked the question. This time I chose truth. "If you had to choose someone besides the person you're dating and your friend who would it be?" I froze.

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