Darrel Curtis needs help

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Rose Curtis' POV

"Why is Soda crying?" Soda didn't look up for a second he just kicked at the ground and stared at his shoes.
"He came out to me..." "Yay!!! I'm proud of you Soda." Soda started to cry a bit more. "I'm gonna head back." He walked off. "What happened is he okay?"
"Rose... Soda kissed me." Darry looked at the ground again. "H-he did? But isn't he dating Steve?" I saw Darry start to cry a bit too. I hugged him. "How'd you take it?" "Rose, I don't think I'm gay..." I pulled out of the hug. "you broke his heart, didn't you?" I looked at Darry who was starting to silently sob. There was something he wasn't telling me. "Well... I didn't exactly tell him, I just said I'm not sure if I'm gay or straight..." he started to trail off. "So why are you guys crying?" "Because Soda found out... that- that I tried to kill myself. He went home because he wanted to make sure I didn't have anything I could hurt myself with." Darry had his face buried in his hands now. I hugged him again. "Let's go home." I looked up at him and he seemed a little happier that we were going home.

Once we were home I brought Darry to his room. "Can you tell Johnny and Pony I'm sorry and that I just wanted to make sure neither of them got hurt?" "They already know." I tossed Darry a sweater from his closet and left him in his room to breath. I left the door open. I noticed Soda had taken all the ropes from his hoodies. Soda had a bit of experience with this because he volunteered to help at a mental health center, he learned a lot.
"Is Darry okay?" "Um... I'll tell you later, for now if you see his door closed, open it." Pony nodded and so did Johnny. They looked concerned and confused though.
"Just come here I'll tell you." I sat down at the kitchen table, Ponyboy and Johnny sat down too. I looked over to see Soda write something on a sticky note and then put it on the fridge. "What's that say?" He hesitated before he read it. "It says don't let Darry use the knives unsupervised." I face palmed myself but if it works, it works. "Okay anyway." Pony said snapping my attention back to them. I looked at Soda. "You can tell 'Im." Im glad he let me because Johnny and Ponyboy would've killed me if I didn't. "Soda came out to Darry. Except he kissed Darry and Darry told him that he didn't know if he was gay. But Darry let it slip that he tried to kill himself..." "he did? That's what this is about?" "Yea... so if you think he's acting a bit off, just check up on him, okay?" They nodded. I knew Johnny of all people would understand because of his attempt that he went through. "Thanks for understanding." "Yeah, anytime." Ponyboy and Soda left to their room. "Where are you two going?" "It's getting late." He was right it was nine thirty.
Me and Johnny were sitting in my room talking. "Hey I gotta go make sure Darry is doing okay, I'll be right back." "Okay." I left Johnny on my bed. "Hey Superman." He almost gave me a glare but he just sat up from his bed. "Hi..." "you doing okay?" "Yep. I'm ok, Soda took all the handles and knobs away from my room so now it takes like an hour to get one drawer open." I realized he was shirtless and in his boxers. "Oh, sorry I hadn't realized you were changing!" I covered my face. "That's okay." I uncovered my face and he was in shorts but still no shirt. "So... Soda took it a bit far?" "Yeah but I guess if it makes him sleep better at night." "Haha... well Johnny is staying over so I'm gonna go back to my room." "Don't go making out again."
I left his room and went to mine. I opened the door to see Johnny, he was shirtless. "What are you doing?" "I was getting ready for bed." "Mhm. Sure." I closed my door behind me. "How's Darry?" "Soda went a bit overboard but he's doing good." "Good." He sat on my bed as I searched through my drawers for pajamas. I found a black cropped shirt and some black shorts. I noticed Johnny's eyes wander my body as I started to strip. "I thought you and Pony were dating." I winked at him and he giggled a bit. Once I was down to just my underwear I could tell he felt a bit uncomfortable. "What, you don't like the view?" "I love it." I pulled him into a kiss. He took off his shorts. "This is going nowhere, got it?" I laughed at his comments. "Yep." I continued kissing him. "M- ah~" he moaned as I held his wrists against the wall and bit his tongue. "You never told me a kink of yours." I stopped and tried to think. "I like when I'm already close to someone, I don't really have a specific kink." "That's nice." We went back to making out but I pinned him to the wall even harder making him practically incapable of moving. I loved being in control of him. I could feel him going weak from struggling. "Shhh." I kept kissing him. He turned into a moaning mess, he whimpered every so often though. I guess we were being loud because Soda walked in. "Keep it down. It's 11 at night and Darry can't sleep because of the loud pounding on the floor and walls. Oh shit sorry!!!" It took him a long time to realize what we had been doing. Sodapop walked out. "He was slurring his words... I think he's drunk." Only Johnny Cade would notice that.

Darrel Curtis' POV

I was laying in my room wide awake, Johnny and Rose were doing god knows what and Soda won't let me go to the bathroom without him laying against the door. I saw a figure in my doorway but I couldn't see how it was because it was too dark.

Johnny Cade loves Ponyboy CurtisΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα