Ponyboy Curtis gets cock blocked.

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Ponyboy Curtis's POV

I couldn't believe how immature Darry was being. I wasn't gonna do anything. "Guessing y'all found a cock blocker." Two-bit laughed but Darry gave him a cold glare. After a couple minutes of random whispers the gang finally got loud and went to their own conversations. Everyone except me and Johnny. Darry and Dallas were talking above my head and I didn't want them to hear what I had to say to Johnny. I scooted back a bit and so did Johnny. "This sucks." He mouthed it but we learned to understand when be both talked like that. "I know right. I wasn't even gonna do anything!!!" He gave me a look that said you were obviously planning on doing something don't lie bitch. He's very good at that look. "You seriously have no clue why he separated us? Are you stupid?" "Yes." He rolled his eyes. "He didn't want you getting hard or something like that." "So in other words he was straight up cock blocking?" "Mhm." Darry turned around and saw us. He opened his mouth to say something but I could tell he quickly changed what he was gonna say. "I'll let you sit by him but don't try anything." Darry looked at me with a hard face as usual. I nodded and Johnny switched spots with Darry, I still had to sit next to Darry though.
"I'm glad he let me sit by you but seriously he is such a cock block." I whispered so no one else heard. "I know right." I put my hand down the back of Johnny's pants again. This time he played it off as a hug so he could muffle a moan. It was cute.
Unfortunately his moan was a bit too loud. No one besides me and Darry heard it but the gang definitely noticed something was up because Darry picked me up by the back of my shirt and pulled me away from the group. "Listen." He paused to get down on my level like he did Johnny. "I know Johnny isn't my brother but he's fragile. The whole gang could've heard and it would've hurt his feelings because they'd all tease him about it." I guess I hadn't realized that. "Yeah I guess... but now they're gonna ask what this is about." Darry looked like he was deep in thought. "Just tell 'em I needed to talk to you about homework." Darry pushed me back to the group. "Hey Johnny." The gang just went back to talking, Johnny gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Hey Pony." "Careful. Darry's got his eyes on us." Darry and Dallas were literally just sitting and staring at us. "God they're creeps." "Wow Pony. Wow." "Shut up Dallas." I was probably as red as Johnny now. Darry gave me a look but went back to talking with Dallas while watching us. "Ponyboy." "Yeah?" "I'm gonna out myself to the gang." "I'll out Rose." "I- okay." Johnny stood up, it got everyone's attention. "I'm pansexual." "Sit down we already know!" I thought Rose was very funny. He sat back down and before everyone went back to what they were doing I yelled "ROSE IS BISEXUAL!" I tried to run but she tackled me. "PONYBOY IS VERY GAY FOR JOHNNY!!! I SAW HIM GO DOWN ON JOHNNY!!!" When did she see that? She wasn't inside at that time... was she? "H-how did you know that?" I whispered to her. "I didn't. But now that I know it's true I'm never gonna let this down." Darry was fuming. "Johnny. You told me you both weren't ready for that stuff." Darrel raised his voice, he was holding Johnny by his waist in the air.. "PUT HIM DOWN, ITS NOT HIS FAULT!!!" Rose got off me. I could see Johnny's eyes start to get glossy. Soda must've seen it too because he took Johnny from Darry and put him by Rose. I ran over to him and took him. He dug his face into my shoulder as he sobbed. I held him close as I heard Soda and Darry yelling at each other. I heard Dallas start yelling and figured I better bring Johnny back to my house. Rose came with.
Once we were at my house, Johnny had stopped crying and was just silently laying on my shoulder. I put him down on the couch. How hadn't they noticed the hickey? Johnny looked like he wanted to cry but couldn't. "Johnny are you okay?" Rose sat down next to him while I got him a glass of water. "M-mhm... I just never expected him to react that way." "Yeah, he loves you I hope you know. He's just scared one of you getting hurt." "I know..."

Johnny Cade's POV

Rose hugged me. Ponyboy walked in and handed me some water, I drank it and set the glass on the coffee table. Ponyboy sat next to me. I layed my head in Ponyboy's lap and he started to play with my hair. I opened my mouth to talk but Ponyboy cut me off. "Shhh."

Rose Curtis's POV

I got up and left the gayness in the living room. I shut my door behind me and looked out the window. I remembered I had a rope that I used to sneak out once. I tied it to the head of my bed. "God this is so stupid." I remembered I had been in a sports bra this whole time. I put on a pink sweater. It had bunny ears on the hood and paws attached to the ends of the sleeves that I could use as mittens. I put my hands in the paws and crawled down the rope. I ran as fast as I could back to the lot, I hoped they hadn't killed each other.
When I got there I saw Soda hugging Darry, the rest of the gang must've left. "What happened?" I caught the attention of Darrel but Soda didn't look up. Daddy let go of Soda and walked over to me, Soda trailed behind with a face wet from tears.

It autocorrected but I figured just leave it at daddy because he is 🥵🫦💅🏻✨👏💋😩🥵😚🫢😍😜😏

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