Chapter 15

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While the truck rolled down the driveway, Natasha found herself fluctuating in and out of auto-pilot mode. Her mind raced a mile a minute. What if she was? Her brows furrowed some before her lips would press together in a nervous tick. She had to make sure, just in case. A negative result was expected, at least then, she could settle with the fact it was simply a stomach bug. 

Parking the truck outside of a one-stop, Natasha allowed herself a few moments to build up the courage to go inside. Locking her jaw, she released a long exhale before exiting the truck with a slam of the door. Walking into the store, she picked up a basket and began loading things inside. Only pausing in the women's health aisle. The choices of pregnancy tests were extensive. Knowing she wouldn't settle for the result of one, Natasha picked up a box of three and tossed it into the basket before she had time to change her mind.

Wiping her cheeks swiftly with the edge of her sleeve, Natasha emerged from the portable toilet she had used. It wasn't quite where she wanted to find out she was pregnant. Passing the truck, she headed back into the store to approach the counter. "Any home remedies for morning sickness?"

Natasha pushed open the front door to enter the house upon returning from her eventful shopping trip. Hands occupied with a large sack of dog food in one, and a few bags in the other.

Upon hearing the door open, James almost sighed with relief before turning to meet his beloved in the hallway. "Hey.." He nodded with a soft smile, observing her closely. He quickly noticed a change in her demeanour but he couldn't quite put his finger on what it was that seemed off. "Everything okay?" He promptly offered to take the large sack from her.

"Hey." Natasha greeted him breathily with a smile, cheeks rosy where they had been bitten by the icy wind. "Yeah, fine." Natasha nodded. Could he tell? Surely he couldn't.. she couldn't. "It's just a bit of a mission getting these through the snow." She managed a smile, allowing him access to the sack of food.

James smiled lovingly, placing his warm flesh hand over her frosted cheek, pressing a delicate kiss to her forehead before going over the peck with his thumb, pulling the sack from her. "And here I was thinking you'd be carrying me in our old age." He gave a soft wink.

"At this rate, you'll be carrying me." Natasha chuckled lightly, melting rather easily into his sweet gesture. "I have hot chocolate for later tonight.. and I bought hot water bottles for the kids, just in case."

"Hot chocolate sounds perfect." He laughed softly and just admired her for a moment or more, taking in her features, something was different but he couldn't tell what, he began to carry the sack on through.

"We can get all cosy by the fire." Natasha smiled. "When everyone's in bed." She added. Alone time with her love came far and few between, even if it was just being in his arms undisturbed.

"Out of the way." Yelena declared, sending Nessy ahead while she followed with the trays. One bowl had rather noticeably red contents. "Who wants some good, good macaroni?" 

He folded his arms with a smirk at the thought, opening his mouth to speak before Nessy arrived at her mother's legs. "Momma!" She buried her face against her cold legs. "Auntie Yelena made macaroni! And she's gonna take me to see moose!" She declared.

"Uh... I don't think so," James raised his metal finger in protest at the terrifying idea of Yelena taking his daughter out into the wilderness. Much less with enormous moose.

"Hello, little love." Natasha smiled, scooping Nessy up to sit her on her hip. "Ooh, macaroni, huh?" She spoke, fixing a few loose strands of brunette hair. The redhead looked to James, offering a light smile and an arch of her brow.

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