" It's your fault" McGonagall tells him.

" What did you say, Minerva?" Dumbledore faces her.

" I agree, you gave such small information to work on" Snape tells him.

" Well, it's the chosen one" Dumbledore tries to defend himself.

" The Chosen one is a 17 year old boy" Snape reminds him.

" He was born to do this," Dumbledore says.

" Lily would not agree" Snape whispers the last thing.

" Where's my wand, Harry?" Hermione turns.

" Oh" Draco says.

" Oh, she's gonna finish him," Pansy cackles.

" You better give it" Ginny laughs.

" I will not," Harry says.

" Oh please don't" Ron begs.

" She probably has a bunch of unforgivables on the tip of her tongue," Fred chuckles.

" Oh, Harry don't give it" George whispers.

" I don't know" Harry backs to the tree.

" So he's afraid of Hermione Granger but not the Dark Lord" Pansy tilts her head.

" That says a lot," Draco nods.

" When she's angry, she's scary" Harry says.

" Prime example your nose" Ron points.

" Still crocked till this day" Ginny taps her nose to mock him.

" Oh, That was a great hit," Fred laughs.

" Harry Potter you give me my wand" Hermione yells.

" I don't have it"

" As much as he did, he doesn't deserve any spells cast his way" Luna frowns.

" Nope, personally I would cast a lot" Pansy huffs.

" So number 1 don't get Hermione angry" Neville counts.

" Ye,s you better respect that rule" Ginny points a finger at him.

" Yes for sure" Neville nods.

" Or you shall face the wrath of Hermione Jean Granger," Ginny whispers.

* Neville nods again and gulps*

" GRANGER DANGER" Fred shouts.

" How come he's got your wand?" Ron asks.

* Draco snickers*

" I hope you're not thinking of something else, Draco" Lucius says in a chilling voice.

" Of course not , Father" Draco clears his throat.

" Never mind. Why does he got my wand? What's that?" Hermione got closer to him.

" The Destroyed Locket" Bellatrix rolls her eyes.

" You Destroyed it" Hermione realizes.

" No shit, Sherlock" Draco takes another bite from his apple.

" Okay, enough with the vulgar language" Narcissa warns him.

" I actually thought you would let me with it" Draco frowns.

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