Frothy Hot Coco |51|

Start from the beginning

"This is a young woman. A beautiful one might I add. And also, she has these..." Yelena sifted through the pages of the entries. "These diary entries. I have no idea."

"Read them," Natasha instructed while scanning the white expanse of Russia.

Yelena did as the woman asked, reading aloud, pausing occasionally to laugh at the girl's notes. Sometimes she went quieter because the notes were more solemn especially when the kid was talking about how she felt. How she wanted to...kill herself. That made Yelena a bit sad but the girl's elaborate writing could distract her.

After Yelena had read the last one and Alexei had been silenced by Natasha for the third time, the blonde woman cleared her throat. "That's the last one." She looked to Natasha who was scanning the horizon of white. "Is it her?"

Natasha glanced to the girl on the floor behind her. "Definently," she replied while returning her gaze back out the windshield. "Those papers prove it."

Yelena nodded briskly and glanced back through the pages, "why is the last name Y/l/n crossed out and replaced with Stark?"

Natasha furrowed her brow and turned back to look at the paper Yelena was showing her.

"Is one of you going to explain what's going on or am I going to have to--"

"For the last goddamn time, shut up before I kick you out the window," Yelena cut Alexei off. "You are only here because we need you but you can be replaced indefinitely," she put out while the two women switched spots.

Alexei stood up, "I am sorry that I have questions! You two are insane, talking about this little girl who is from another universe like it's true--"

"It is true," Natasha interrupted strongly. "A lot more true than you and Captain America," she grumbled.

"Does he ever talk about me? Our glory days as rivals?" Alexei changed the subject.

Natasha squinted at him with disgust, "you haven't seen either one of us in over twenty years and you're asking me about you?"

"What? Why is that so wrong?"

"Is that a serious question?" Yelena scoffed while rubbing her forehead tiredly.

"I have done nothing but give you girls my love and build you up," Alexei started making Natasha and Yelena shake their heads in annoyance. "Look at you, an Avenger. Yelena, you are the youngest child killer and the most skilled in the world. You both should proud."

"You made us into killers," Natasha informed.

Alexei nodded enthusiastically, getting up and holding Natasha's shoulders  "exactly, you, you and your sister are the finest killers in the world. You both...have killed so many people. Your ledgers are just dripping, gushing red. I proud of you."

Natasha threw him off her with a grimace, returning to her original seat and leaving Y/n on the floor.

"What? Is it that time of the month for you two?" Alexei asked stupidly while Natasha returned her headphones to her head.

"We don't get our period, dipshit. We don't have our uteruses," Yelena replied annoyedly.

"Or ovaries," Natasha added drably, her eyes glancing over the landscape that was changing to more mountainous.

Yelena glanced back to Alexei, "yeah that's what happens when the Red Room gives you an involuntary hysterectomy. They kinda just, go in," she spoke while motioning with her hand, "and rip out...all of your reproductive organs. They just get right in there and they chop them all away...get everything out--"

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