Prologue: Two Years Later.

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2775, Two years after the Morningstar took over Acmetropolis.

Everything is now...decimated, destroyed and dark. Humans and anthros still coexist, but under the dreaded iron fist of the Morningstar and his right hand man, Deuce Stray animals are getting hungrier and hungrier. Robots patrols around the city.

However, hope remains.

A black van pulls up near one of the Morningstar's new cannon defenses

???: Alright, everyone ready?

???: Ah-be-be-be I don't know...

???: Boy, I say, we should do it!

???: What's the plan, good sir?

???: Easy, we place these explosives around points of the cannon, get to a safe distance, and boom.

???: Okay, and how exactly to avoid those robots?

???: I say we blast em!

???: That sounds vewy stupid.

???: Hey, the bossman and bosslady both said if we come across the robots, blast em or hit em!

???: Alright everyone, roll out!

two of them argue about entering

??: No dear friend, the honour is yours!

???: No no! You first!

???: Ahem, less arguing, more fighting for our home!

???: If you two vermins ain't moving, you get the guns! Now move!

they enter the building and look around

??: *Takes a look at her bomb* Now.. where to put this..

???: R-R-R-R-Right here!

??: Ah, thanks Pinky *places the bomb*

???: Alright, one, I say, one two three!

???: Whoah woah, easy, chicken! We haven't yet planted the rest!

???: Sorry boy, I was excited to put those annoying cannons to dust!

???: Y'know, blowing all this stuff up to make Morningstar angry is actually making me miss my perfume store...

???: Oh quiet you skunk, let's get quick befowe those wobots hear us

in time, the Rebels, the official resistance against the Morningstar, planted the bombs and begun to exit the building

???: Now, shall I do it, son?

???: Sure, chicken *tosses him the detonator*

???: One, I say, one two three!

He presses the button and the building with it's dangerous cannon, blows up

The Rebels consists Ace, Lexi. Then, there's Magnus, Pierre, Mark N Josh, Doug, Witch Blair, Barley, Pinkster, Paula(Formally Weather Vain), Bianca(Formally Black Velvet), Percy, Gorlop and to everyone's surprise, Ophiuchus Sam and Electro Fudd

Ace: Mission accomplished everyone

Josh: Thank you, sir Ace! A pleasure to be a part of la revolución ...I believe that's how you pronounce it

Ophiuchus Sam: I really wished we could kick some robot butt

Lexi: Easy, trigger happy. They'll be some robo smashing later, for now. We get back home and lie low.

Ace: Hey, Magnus?

Magnus: Yeah son?

Ace:...How's Duck...?

Magnus: *sighs* He's fine, along with Tris...I never felt so bad for them

Ace: Tell them I...forget it...

The rebels together walk back to their secret warehouse

Barley: Oh my couch! Thank goodness! *lays down and sighs*

Pierre: *yawns* Place could do with a better fragrance

Gorlop: *goes to play video games*

Ace: *sits down and looks at his katana, ever since he lost the Guardian Strike Sword to Deuce, he had been using a normal Japanese katana*

Electro: Still feel guilty about that sword, wabbit?

Ace: You think?

Electro: *rolls his eyes* Whatever

nearby was a young fox girl, looking at the rabbit, she knew who he and Lexi used to be, know why? She was their biggest fan, Roxanne Fox.

Ace: Hey Roxanne

Roxanne: Oh! Ugh! Hey, boss!

Ace: You look like you're in a good mood. What's up?

Roxanne: N-nothing, sir. I'd Ummm, like to ask something regarding uh, Lexi

Ace: What is it?

Roxanne: You gonna...pop the question?

Ace: *chuckles* Not yet, Rox, not yet. Once we take out the Morningstar, I probably will.

Roxanne: I might have a solution to take out the Morningstar, and even get that magic sword back

Ace: You do?

Roxanne: Yeah, well. It's not my idea, it's this guys

She pulls out her phone and on it was a ToonTube channel saying "Tech E. Podcasts"

Ace: Oh Tech...*deeply misses for his canine friend*

Roxanne: Seriously, watch his latest post!

Ace: Okay okay, you're really into this huh?

Roxanne: Of course I am! You guys were my heroes! And you know what? You still are!

Ace: *smiles sweetly* Hey, Lex?

Lexi: Yeah?

Ace: Come over here

Lexi walked over but before she could hit play, Mark came in panicked

Mark: Oh dear! Oh dear!

Ace: Mark? Mark? What's wrong?

Mark: Morningstar robots on another looting spree!

Ace:...This podcast is gonna have to wait, come on!

Roxanne: Roger that!

Ace: Everyone! Come on!

Barley: What? Again!?

Witch Blair: Come on, vulture. Let's go.

Ophiuchus Sam: Finally! Time to kick some robot butts!

The Rebels dash out, ending the Prologue

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