•Chapter 14: Day 14•

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I smile, hugging Quackity. We pull back and giggle. It's been so long since we've even talked, so this was gonna be really nice. I shoved down the bubbling anxiety.

"So good to see you! How have you been?" I ask.

"I've been alright actually. Just some Karl and Sapnap things, but I don't mind much. You?" Quackity explains, walking inside with me.

We ordered our drinks and sat down. Quackity got a Mango milk tea, and I got a Taro milk tea. This is the place me and Punz go to all the time.

"I've been okay. Punz made a bit of a.. mistake, but we're working it out." I tell him, taking a sip of my tea.

"Punz making a mistake? That sounds like a first." He remarks.

"I know.. it's been a while since he was like- that." I mumble.

"What is 'that'?" Quackity asked, leaning back in the booth.

"You know, smoking and forgetting to eat. Seeing Dream, falling for his shitty lies. I thought he was out of that for good."

"His depression? Yeah, I think we all did. Has he been really stressed lately? That could be a trigger."

I shrug, not wanting to continue that conversation. We sit in silence and sip our teas. My eyes flicker up to the door. Punz walks in, ordering something.

I watch him walk to a table alone. After that, some girl walks in and sits down with him. They looked sort of close by the way they were talking.

"Oooh, he has a date?" Quackity asks, but then his mood drops entirely.

"What? Are you okay?" I ask.

"That's Dream's little sister." He gulps.

I feel the anger bubbling in my veins. Quackity grabs my arm, trying to calm me down. It works a little but not enough.

"Let's go." I mumble, and we grab our teas and leave.


I laugh, slipping back onto the ice. Quackity skates over and helps me up. He bursts out laughing when I fall again. The pain in my back was worth the fun.

"Shut up! I told you I couldn't ice skate." I giggle, trying to stand up.

"Woah! Calm down!" Quackity laughs, helping me balance.

He keeps a hold of my hand, skating forwards. I follow his movements. When he let's go, I don't fall this time.

"There you go, you're doing it!"

"How do I turn?"

"Rotate your hips and bring your foot to that side."

I rotate left, bringing my right foot over, turning in that direction. A smile tugs at my lips. I'm really doing it, I'm ice skating.

"You can ice skate, you just needed to know how." Quackity laughs, and I chuckle.

"Shut up dude. That's not how it works." I say, but we only burst out laughing.

"We both can ice skate now."

This time we crash into each other, falling down. I sit there for a moment and catch my breath. Quackity was laughing his ass off, and I couldn't help but laugh too.

"You were saying?" I tease, and he laughs harder.

"Never mind-"

"We can't ice skate."


The laughing starts again. When we both get up, we decide to head home. As we walk out, I interlock our hands. We part ways and walk to our cars.

I pay attention to the ground, trying to take my mind off the absence of a booming voice in my head.

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