•Chapter 11: Day 11•

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I shift slightly, watching Punz pet Leo. He had gotten a bit more energetic since the last time. Not much, but it was still progress.

"How are you?" I ask, and he looks up.

"I'm doing okay." He says.

"It wasn't Karl."

"You still have Quackity."

"What if it isn't him, Punz?" I whisper, and he pauses.

"We'll find who it is. You're not going to die, I won't let that happen." Punz says as he looks up at me.

"Promise?" I didn't think I spoke loud enough.

"I promise. You're going to be okay."

We stayed silent after that. I was reminding myself I'd be okay, because he promise. He was petting Leo to calm him down. The cat had gotten a bit rowdy while we were talking about that.

No matter how hard I tried though, I was still scared. If it wasn't Quackity I'm a goner. He's the last option, it can't be anyone else. It doesn't have to be him either though. That's the scary part.

The cat pawed at Punz's pants. Speaking of his pants, he was dressed up really fancy. There wasn't any parties today though. I wonder where he's going.

"Speaking of little Leo, mind watching him? I'm gonna be out tonight." He says.

"Where are you going?" I ask, and I see the instant hesitation in his eyes.

I glance over his outfit once more. Black dress shoes, black jeans, white button up shirt, his silver watch, and a gold chain necklace. It wasn't his normal date outfit, more like a work meeting or something.

"Uhm, I'm gonna meet with Dream." Punz mumbles, and my mood drops.

"Of course you are." I whisper angrily.

"Look, I know you hate him-"

"Then why are you meeting up with him?! You promised we'd talk it out before you ever saw him again! You lied to me, Punz!" I yelled, scoffing.

Punz stared with a hurt look on his face. I didn't mean to let that out, but I couldn't change that it was true. He should have talked to me just like he promised.

"We'll talk about it next time you're over. Are you watching Leo or not?" He whispers.

"Find someone else."


Three missed calls, all from Punz. The thought of blocking his number popped into my head. I didn't have the courage though. I know I'll end up talking to him, it just isn't right now.

He lied to me. Broke a promise, a big one. We both knew why I hate Dream. He understood, he always understood. Maybe I was wrong though.

How long has Punz been seeing him? Have I not known this whole time? It could've been a long time, and he just kept it from me. If that's the case though, why did he decide to tell me now?

What was it even for?

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