•Chapter 9: Day 09•

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I sigh, placing the new pillows on my couch. There's a knock at the door. It's a pattern, one that me and Punz made up. I yell that it's unlocked.

"Where are- oh, hey dude. Did you go to the store?" Punz asked, walking into the living room.

"Yeah, I got some new pillows, and a gift for you. That's for later though." I say.

"A gift? Do I really have to wait?" He responds, a begging look in his eyes.

"Yes, you do."

"Fine. How long?"

"Two hours. Trust me Punz, you can survive."

He grunted, ruffling my hair. I glare at him jokingly. Punz gives a dramatic gasp, pretending to be offended. We both burst out laughing.

Punz turns on the TV, skimming through random channels. He finally found a true crime one. Him and those shows, I don't see how he can watch them. They give me the major creeps.

I guess I don't mind it though, especially since it's him. I've gotten so used to everything he does and so close to him that everything is okay. I do a lot for him, and he does a lot for me too.

Punz doesn't like everything I do. Like for one, building. I love it but he doesn't fully support the danger. Punz loves true crime but I don't fully support the creepiness. They balance each other out though, it makes it fair.

"Hey Foolish!"

I was snapped out of my thoughts. My eyes searched the living room, but he wasn't in there. Suddenly I felt hands on my shoulders and I jumped with a yelp.

"Oh my god!" Punz burst into laughter, and I breathed heavily.

"You idiot, you scared the shit out of me!"

"I can tell!"

He hiccuped through his laughs. I smacked the back of his head, rolling my eyes. I find it a little funny but I'm not going to admit it.

"Are you actually mad? Or are you just doing your thing where you act mad when you really don't care?" Punz asked.

"Second one." I mumble, hoping he doesn't hear, but the smile on his face says he does.

"Well, how'd the meet with Sapnap go?" He asks, ruffling my hair.

"It wasn't him either." I sigh.

It's getting so confusing. I thought Karl and Quackity would be almost impossible options, but their our only hope now. It's got to be one of them. Right?

"Well, maybe it's Karl then." Punz says, shrugging his shoulders.

"Maybe." I add.

We stand in silence for a moment, until Punz chuckles. I look up at him with a questioning expression. He only laughs harder, pointing to my hair.

"What did you do." I deadpan, and he bursts into a laughing fit.

"Put flour in your hair!"

"Punz!" I shreik, but I laugh a little bit myself.

"I'm sorry, it was too funny to resist!" He gasps out between laughs.

"It's not that funny, get your breath back." I chuckle.

He takes a moment to calm down. It fails though, as he bursts out laughing when he looks at my hair again. I sigh with a hint of a giggle.

"You're such an idiot, Punz."

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