Homeward Bound

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(Jamie's POV)

"What went down man?" I ask Roland.

I spoke to Sam earlier, he said y/n needed to go somewhere and she'd talk to me later, and I apparently just had to accept that. But I refuse.  I can't just sit back, I need to find out what happened. So after our meal, we came to the club we're at now, and Roland's had a couple already, so hopefully he can spill the beans to me. Sam's off dancing and I'm taking whatever short amount of time I have to get the truth.

"Whaddya mean?"

"With you and y/n. She's been jumpy ever since that day out you guys had. What's up with that?"

"I dunno man, she seemed to enjoy herself. I gotta say though, you never mentioned she was so hands on," he winks in his tipsy haze.

"Hands on? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"Sorry J, that came out wrong. She just got very close and personal a couple of times."

Fuck this.

"Roland, cut the shit. What happened?" I've had a few myself and my head's spinning a little, but Roland seems to sharpen his senses at my abruptness.

"Well, she tried to kiss me didn't she? I assumed she woulda told you."

"No, she hasn't said a thing. She kissed you?"

"Nearly. I had to dodge it faster than a matador dodges a bloody bull."

"So she didn't kiss you." Something's not right here.

"Nah but, close enough. Not sure what you're doing wrong so she'd have to come running to me," he chuckles and takes another swig from his beer bottle.

I don't hear anything after that, just feel the stinging pain after my knuckle meets his cheek. The shock sobers me as I see him sprawled on the floor.

"Fuck you, Roland," I walk out of the club, leaving Sam to deal with Roland.

I don't know what to do. I could try to find y/n but I don't know where she'd be. I could go see Mum, but I'm not sure she'd want to see me like this. Or I could go back to the hotel, but I don't want to be there alone.

In the end, I decide to jump in a taxi and go see Mum.

(Y/n's POV)

My things are all packed in my case, and on top of the letter I've written for Jamie is the keyring I meant to give him on our date under the stars. I'm not sure if it's a letter to say goodbye, or simply see you later, but I do know it'll be at least three weeks before I see him again.

I leave my room and close the door behind me, to find Julie watching me from her open door.

"Where are you going?"

"Home," I sigh. "I need a break from all of this."

She's close to tears. "You're going to break his heart, aren't you?"

It's like a slap in the face.

"Not if I can help it, but I'm not suited to this life. When this tour's all over and done with, then I'll sit down with him and we'll talk. And I'll tell him the truth about Roland. I'm guessing you still don't believe me?"

"I never said that, dear. I just said it didn't sound like the man I've known for years," but she won't look me in the eye, so I know what my real answer is.

"Well Sam trusts me, and he's said he'll keep an eye to Jamie for me, make sure he doesn't do anything stupid."

"So Sam knows you're going. Jamie doesn't?"

"Not yet, but he will soon."

"Yes, he'll find out when he sees the bed cold and wardrobe empty," she says bitterly.

"Julie, you know I don't want to hurt him. But sometimes I have to protect myself. Out myself first for once and do what's best for me."

"Well, good luck I suppose. For what it's worth, you've been lovely to get to know, and I truly hope things will run their course and it will all work out in the end."

Once I'm downstairs in the lobby, I pull my coat tight around myself to shield me from the cold, and I climb into the taxi that's waiting for me outside.

(Jamie's POV)

I get out of my taxi and take a moment to breathe before going up. I take the stairs rather than the lift to take a few minutes for myself. I hide my sore hand by putting it in my pocket, and use the other to knock on Mum's door.

She looks shocked to see me. "Jamie? I thought you were out with the band tonight?" she glances down the hall as if she's looking for someone.

"You goo, Mum?"

"Yeah, come in."

She closes the door behind me, and I sit on the end of her bed as she goes back to her armchair.

"I was out with the guys, but I had a talk with Roland."

"Oh?" her interest seems more peaked than I was expecting.

"He said y/n kissed him."

"I knew it!" she blurts, then covers her mouth with her hand.

"What? You knew?"

"Well, no. Y/n spoke to me, she tried telling me that Roland made a move on her, but I knew he wouldn't do something like that."

I didn't want to believe what Roland had said, but now that Mum agrees... I don't know what to think anymore.

"Do you know where she it? I need to talk to her."

"Oh Jamie," she sighs.

"What? What is it?"

"She's gone."

Gone? What?

"Where?" I stand up quickly.

"She's gone home. She said this was too much, and she'd talk to you after the tour."

I march out of the room and go into ours. Into mine. I pause when I see how empty it is. Her things are gone. The table's bare, the bathroom smells clinical like it's just been cleaned, and the wardrobe's full of empty hangers.

There's a note and a keychain on the bed.

I push the chain aside and pick up the piece of paper.


I know there's no forgiving this, for leaving you like this, but I can't do this anymore. This life is more than perfect for you, but I just don't fit. I'm the jigsaw piece trying to go into the wrong puzzle. I just don't go. I wanted to tell you in person, but I don't know if you'll want to speak to me again after the tour's over, and you deserve to know what kind of a man Roland is. That day, when he took me around California, he tried to kiss me. He took me to lunch at Mario's, and he kept trying to touch me, to hold my hand. I kept my distance but, when we left, I just saw him leaning in. I jerked out of the way, and after that I ran. I couldn't stay around him, and I knew it would destroy your friendship if you knew. So I told Julie, who wouldn't believe me - which is understandable so please don't blame her - and I told Sam, he convinced me to keep it quiet. He helped me deal with it a lot, so don't be mad at him either. But it was eating me alive, and I'm sure by now you've already been told some version of what happened, and I hope you can trust me. I'm sorry it had to be like this; it's all building up inside me and I can't carry on. I'm going back to our place, and I hope you give us a chance to talk when you get home. If you want me to pack up your things and let you go.... I'll understand.

Please be happy,

Y/n xxx

Love On Tour (Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora