Chapter 3 • Wedding Day

Start from the beginning

Lily tried to focus on her breathing as they exited the keep doors and couldn't even remember if she stepped with her right foot first or not. The instant they stepped outside however, all that was forgotten.

There were people everywhere!

It seemed everyone in Leslie had taken a rest from their labour to come see her wed. From the keep doors, across the bailey, all the way to the chapel's entrance, Laird Lachlan and Lady Lily walked between their people who had formed a row either side of them creating a corridor for them to walk through. Lily felt her heart swell at the love of her people as they all waved at her, some women and children threw flowers, and others gave her encouraging words. Their actions only served to validate and strengthen her decision.

Lily halted when they reached the imposing doors of the chapel.

She could feel her heart racing, her stomach twisting, her ears buzzing with a deafening ring. She was vaguely aware that her hands had started shaking again.

"Lady Lily," a small, timid voice from around her hip height stopped the buzzing. She looked down to find a little lass with fiery red hair whom she recognised from the rush gathering the other week. She was holding a bunch of freshly picked wildflowers. At a little nudge from someone standing behind her, possibly her mother, she continued, holding out the bunch of flowers to Lily, "Ye look very pretty, m'lady. Mother and I picked these fer ye, if ye please."

"Ye're ever so kind, m'lady, and we ken o' the sacrifices ye've made fer us," the mother added, settling an approving hand on her daughter's shoulder. Thankfulness but also concern was in the woman's eyes. "Please accept these humble flowers as a small token of our gratitude fer everything ye've done fer us over the years... and fer what ye're doing now."

"Thank ye," Lily could hardly make out for fear of her tears spilling over, "They're beautiful."

She accepted the pleasing bunch with an appreciative smile and followed her father into the chapel.

Normally, the chapel would have an inviting air about it with the soft warm glow of the afternoon sun shining through the shutters, but today Lily hardly noticed.

Today, it was packed with people, mainly Mackenzie men, Lily realised, and was suddenly even more grateful for the flowers that could hide her trembling hand. She looked to the end of the building, there was the staring Highlander, looking clean and more presentable than the first day, standing next to the Forbes priest, waiting for her. She quickly averted her eyes before she could lose her nerve and run out of the building.

As she and her father made their way down the aisle, Lily was almost certain everyone there could hear her uneven breathing. Movement to her left caught her eye. Keeva's family made the journey from Forbes and were sitting in the second row. They all gave her small waves and as much empowerment and support as one could possibly fit into a simple smile. Young Rory tried to do the same, but Lily couldn't help a tiny smile at the sourness underpinning his attempt to be supportive.

They reached the front and, that being her father's cue to leave her side, he pressed a kiss into her cheek and went to sit in the front pew next to Gavin who nodded at her reassuringly but solemnly.

Lily gripped the flower stems with both hands so tight she wondered if they would not wilt immediately. She fixed her gaze on the priest's garb, trying her best not to look at the man to the right of her.

The priest started the ceremony by saying a few words, little of which Lily would remember. She was too busy reminding herself the reason for agreeing to this.

If things went poorly, it really was her own fault. Lily had been blessed with a father who valued her opinion, especially when it came to marriage, and he and Lady Fiona had asked her if she would be willing before any of this went ahead. She had agreed; it was her choice. Not many other ladies would be able to say the same. Laird Lachlan was such a kind and generous father and husband and Lily had always prayed the man she married would be like him in character, just possibly a bit more skilled in money matters. What would Laird Mackenzie be like? If the rumours were anything to go by, Lily wouldn't see next spring. But she supposed he would want an heir, so mayhap she would live, but it would be a nerve-wrecking life.

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