Chapter 22

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So I decided to take some of your suggestions for this chapter, hope you all like it. Thanks for reading. Enjoy!!!

Sara's POV

So it's been a couple days from the heated makeout session we had and the last time that happened we might have gone a little too far. Yes we did the deed and no I haven't told Cas yet. I'm a little afraid to tell her because I'm worried she'll be mad at me or something. I know it's stupid to be afraid but I am so shut up.

"Sara." Cas said, breaking me out of my thoughts.


"I asked if you're okay. You are acting a little odd today."

"I'm fine, just a little tired." I lied.

She sighed, "You should know after all these years I know when you're lying. Now tell me the truth."

"Promise you won't be mad?"

"Just tell me already."

"Fine. goes nothing. Jared and I-"

She jumped out of her seat, "I knew it. I knew it. I knew it."

"You didn't even let me finish."

"I already knew what you were going to say. You did leave the poor couch alone right? If you didn't then we are going to need a new couch." she laughed.

"Yes we left the couch alone. I didn't break your precious little rule."


A Month Later

"Sara you have a five minute break." Cheri said, "Get back here quick."

I nodded my head as I made my way to the bathroom. I took a quick look in the mirror before heading to one of the stalls. All the sudden I had a nauseous feeling take over me. Before I knew it all of my lunch was in the toilet. I started to worry because that was the third time in two days that it happened. Something must seriously be wrong with me. I quickly washed out my mouth before heading back out.

"You're late," Cheri said angrily, "Oh my god you're so pale. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine nothing to worry about. Just a little nauseous." I plastered a fake smile on my face.

"I'm sorry Sara but I can't risk you getting worse or the other models getting sick. I'm going to have to send you home."

"Please Cheri I'm sure it was just something I ate. I'll be perfectly fine." I begged.

"Can't risk it. Please take the next few days off. I'll call you if I have any more jobs for you."

"Okay I guess I will go." I sighed.

I called Cas and she arrived pretty quick. As I stepped into the car she said the one thing I was thinking.

"Sara are you sure you're not pregnant?"

Hey cupcakes hope you liked this chapter. It was shorter than I was planning on it to be but what can you do? The next chapter will be way longer I promise. Thanks for reading





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