Chapter 4

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Sara's POV

I was ambushed as soon as I walked into the room. Girls were pushing each other out of the way to talk to me. I could only make out a few words, which were Jared Padalecki, her, why. Cassidy pushed her way to the middle and dragged me out of it.

"I'm so sorry about them. When one of us meets a celeb, the others freak out. It happened to me when I met James Maslow." She said.

"It's fine, just a little shocking."

"It'll blow over soon. Don't worry."

"Okay," I started to gather my things, "What time tomorrow?"

"You'll have to ask Cheri. She was pretty happy you met Jared. If you ask me I think she wants you two to date." She winked.

"Oh my god, not that I mind, but no."

"Come on we all know you like him. It's just a matter of time." She singsonged.

"Whatever I need to go home."

*buzz buzz* my phone vibrated. I looked to see I had a text from Cheri.

Cheri: No need to come to work tomorrow. Spend time with Jared.

Sara: Thanks for the notice, will I be working the next day?

Cheri: Yupp you can bring a friend along too. May I suggest Jared?

Sara: Gotta go

I shoved my phone back into my pocket and continued to the hotel. As I opened the door I could see Casey had her eyes locked on the tv. From what I could hear I assumed it had something to do with Supernatural. I was WAY wrong.

She turned her head, "You met Jared and didn't tell me?"

"First of all how did you find out? And second of all I just got into the room." I replied

"It's all over E! News. They say you could be the next celebrity power couple."

"What?" I screamed as I ran to the tv.

The tv displayed a giant picture of Jared and I hugging. It also showed some small pictures of us at the dinner. The caption was Padalecki's new girl?

"I gotta talk to Jared." I said as I pick up my phone.

"Wait you have his number?" Casey asked excitedly.

"Yes now shut up."

J: I'm guessing you saw it.

S: Yeah, my friend is freaking out.

J: Jensen bugging me because he really wants to meet you. Could you swing by the studio tomorrow?

S: I would love to but I have no ride.

J: I'll pick you up tomorrow at 8:30. Sound good?

S: Sounds great. See ya then.

J: Bye Sara.

"I'm hanging out with Jared on set tomorrow. I mean only if it's okay wih you." I said.

"Yeah it's fine Sara. I'll hang by myself like I did today because that was so much fun." She replied sarcastically.

"Look I'm sorry, I wish I could spend time with you tomorrow but I can't. Cheri wants me to spend time with Jared. If I could take you along I would but I can't."

"Can't or won't." And with that she slammed the door and left.

I sighed, "When did my life get so hard?"

Jared's POV

"So is your little girlfriend coming tomorrow?" Jensen asked

"She's not my girlfriend and yes."

"She will be. Look how hot she is. If you don't ask her I will."

"Don't you dare, she deserves someone better then you." I replied.

"And you don't like her at all." He said sarcastically.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.

"EVERYONE BACK TO WORK." The director shouted.

"We're not done talking about this." He said.

A/N: thanks for reading cupcakes. Hope you liked it. Please leave your comments below.





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