How we got here

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Being transported into the world of one of your favorite childhood shows was the last thing you would think of when adopting a cat on the side of the street on your way back home from your new job. But here we are, sitting smack in the middle of an alleyway in Jamanikai Village questioning your life. 'WHY THE f🚒🔥🚒– HOW DID I GET HERE!?!' Trying not to hyperventilate from the very sudden change of scenery, you take a deep breath, running a hand over your head as comfort, and try to assess the situation. Your shift at your new job in a new city had just finished and you were heading back to your new apartment that had finally been finished being furnished, you were happy to finally get a feeling of independence for moving to live on your own when turning 18. Sure being on your own was sometimes tough and it didn't help your anxiety to have to constantly worry about paying bills on time, but this is what you had always wanted. It had started to rain on your walk back to your apartment (because it's extremely close to your home, and you make sure to always have a form of defense on you), and you had almost been hit by a speeding truck. Cursing and falling back you open your eyes and see a damp worn-down cardboard box, you're about to just leave but you notice some movement in the box. 'That f🚚🔥🚛er did not just do what I thought they did' snatching the box from off the side of the road you peer inside, covering the box from the pouring rain. Inside the box is a small rugged British shorthair kitten shivering from the cold.

You look up at the air and curse god. 

Reaching your apartment, you quickly set up a resting area for the kitten to warm up in, along with some food from babysitting a neighbor's cat during the summer while she was out visiting family. You shower and change into some more comfortable clothing after the kitten had fallen asleep and call people around the area to see if they were missing a cat including a vet to see if you could come up with the cat before work in the morning to check the cat to see if it had been chipped or if it had anything wrong with it and could trace the address of a possible owner. In the end, the veterinarian agreed and you had an appointment set at about 5:00 a.m. on the 3rd instead of the next morning. With a huff of irritation, you went to go check on the kitten. Looking at the tiny fluffy baby sleeping in front of you, you couldn't help but feel your heart tremble from how cute it was.

You decide to check the box further than before to see if any signs of injury could be told from it. But all you find is an awakening of rage; a note that had been slightly smudged with the words reading 'You can keep it'. Someone had thrown a box with a small kitten out onto the road while driving, with the full intent to just be rid of it. "When will people f🔥🚒🔥ing learn?" hearing the sound of stirring in the direction of the kitten, you stare at the now awake fur baby. "Well if your old owner doesn't want you, I will." Slowly petting the kitten it begins to purr, making your heart swell and feel even worse about what happened to it. "I just wish I didn't have to live in a world like this" and with the kitten slowly drifting to sleep from your words, you close your eyes and do the same.

That's all that you can remember from until you woke up here. 'Well, I am definitely not in my apartment.' You hear some rattling behind you and jump,'Is that— THE CAT??'. The small feline creature that you had saved seemingly hours ago, was sitting on top of a few boxes and an odd-colored barrel. 'Why the f🚒🔥🚒 is the goddamn cat here?'.

"Hey kitty, have any idea why I'm here?" You move toward the kitten and begin petting its head, it leans into your touch and purrs letting out a "meow" to your question. "'Wish I knew what was going on" and with your little comment, the memory of your wish from the apparent night before had once again come into your mind. 'Wait, don't f🚒🔥🚒ing tell me— I'm here because of my wish?!" As you wonder about how the fuck that is possible, the realization begins to kick in 'wait, f🚒🔥🚒 the wish thing— where the hell am I, and how do I get home?'. As if your thoughts had been heard by the universe itself, you begin to hear the movement of other people outside of the alleyway. Slowly taking a step toward the exit, you listen in to the slightly muffled voices. From the seemingly distant people, you could hear the sound of laughter and joy, along with different conversations; some spoke about plans for their day and week, others about what's going on in the world, but what interested you most and (and what seemed the most helpful) was the mention of Jamanakai, and "Ninjago". You felt your heart stop, you had read multiple fanfics about being "isekai-ed" into the world of Ninjago but you never thought it might actually happen outside of the realm of fiction. 'There's no way that this is actually happening right?'. Looking back at the cat you think to yourself 'If my wish is how I got here, then maybe I can wish myself back'. Gently holding the small kitten in the air, you say aloud "I wish I was back home!". You wait, closing your eyes for seconds,

turning to minutes,

turning to tens of minutes,

turning to— 'OK! so that didn't work'

'So I can't get back by wishing, how the hell do I get back?' Trying to push the thought of you never being able to get back to the very depths of your mind, you realize that you being stranded here also means that you don't have your apartment or any food. '💩'. "Damn I wish I was in one of those isekai fics where I actually had a place to live" laughing to yourself to try and comfort your growing anxiety, you don't notice the gleam of a key shining from above quickly descending upon your head. "F🚒🔥🚒–" grasping your head and ducking you writhe in pain from the sudden vibe check the sky gave you. Looking at the ground you finally see the red key that had fallen from above, picking it up it has an address number and a note attached, 'Enjoy! ;)' making a face that could only be explained as 'wtf' as a person you shake your head trying to not cry from the stress of all of this. After another couple of minutes of talking to yourself, you decide to go and check out the house that the address had listed. Brushing off your clothes and holding the kitten in the long noodle pocket of your sleep hoodie, you leave the alleyway.

Reaching the house after looking around the village for a small while, you brace yourself as you insert the key into the lock on the door. Opening the door you find a minimally furnished house, facing you is the kitchen with a small dining area and living room to the side. Past the kitchen is two doors, one of the doors being open is a bathroom while you assume the other door would be a bedroom. On the kitchen island, sitting right on top of the counter is a turned-on phone and another note. Cautiously moving over to the counter you lift the phone and look at the note, 'Hope this will suffice, and welcome new oracle! (P.S. The kitchen is fully stocked, and should be able to last until you have your account accessible ) ;)'. 'Oracle?? Wtf do you mean oracle??' Looking from the note to the phone that you can only assume is now yours you see a lit notification, eyes blown wide you do a double check to make sure the notification is correct, '(Y/N),(L/N) account approved and will be accessed in 3 weeks' the account in question being a bank account with an ungodly amount of money. 'You know what, maybe I don't want to go home.' and with that, you move to go check out the bedroom. The bedroom was decently sized, definitely larger than your apartments, and was also simply furnished with basic necessities. Oh, and an area for the kitten, speaking of, was currently wiggling out of your hoodie pocket to go onto the extendable cat tree that was in the room. Crouching and watching the cat play around you speak aloud to yourself and the cat,

"So you grant wishes huh? That gives me a great idea for what to name you, Genie".

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