[1] My secret

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I got home after cheer practice and was exhausted. I lay on the couch and played some Tv. I've been a cheerleader with my best friend Chrissy ever since we did a cheer routine for a middle school talent show. I don't consider myself popular but I do hang out with the popular kids. I find myself more like a well-known kid. I live with my younger brother Ricky and my older sister Heather.

*for clarification: this is NOT Heather from season 3, I Lowkey forget she existed when writing this. Sorry for the confusion!*

Our parents are out of the country doing work. I'm not sure what they do but they occasionally visit every so often. Life at home is okay... Ricky is a great brother but I can't say the same for Heather. She's always making comments on my weight and appearance. She goes to a community college on the outskirts of Hawkins. She's able to live at home but she usually spends her days and a few nights at her boyfriend's dorm.

I usually take care of Ricky but now that he's a freshman I can count on him to take care of himself when I can't. Ricky is in a club here at the school. It's a D&D club called Hell Fire. This is great because when cheer practice is over his club is also over and we go home together.

Ricky went into the kitchen and made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. "Catch," he says throwing one at me. I lifted my arms as a red glow lightly covered the object. I guided it closer to me and grabbed it. I munched on it and thanked him. Ricky then sat next to me and watched as well.

I have no idea where my powers came from. One day, I went to my dad's work with him. I couldn't remember much. But I remember doing something I shouldn't have. And became sick for a week. Afterward, they just seemed to have appeared. No one knows about them other than Ricky. But he didn't know until the beginning of this school year when he accidentally witnessed me using them to get something.

I don't use them around anyone but Ricky. And I refuse to try to get an answer on where there from. When I do use them. A red glow follows the object I'm controlling. But it isn't the only thing I can do.

If I focus hard enough, I can "tap" into people's minds. Reading their thoughts and giving them hallucinations if I please. But I don't use them. I did once, on my abusive father. He didn't notice it was me but he grew suspicious. And I think that's the reason why he hated me.

After watching TV for about an hour or two more it was time to get to bed. I lazily got upstairs and used my powers to help me brush my teeth. Ricky walked into the bathroom and sighed. "Can't even brush your teeth by yourself?" He asked sarcastically

"Haha" I faked laughed. I motioned my free hand and throw a loofa at him. He laughed and started brushing his teeth after I finished.

I walked back into my room and heard the front door open. It was Heather. I sighed and went downstairs. "Where the hell were you," I asked

"None of your business," she said, placing her keys on the table.

"It is my business," I said crossing my arms.

"At my boyfriend's dorm," Heather sighed

"Of course... you have to call mom and dad to get us more sh*t for rent"

"Why should I?!"

"You're in charge," I said walking back up the stairs. "But you're the one always home!" Heather exclaimed, still downstairs.

"Just do it!" I yelled. I used my powers to slam my door shut. I turned off the lights and laid on my bed. I grabbed onto one of my stuffed animals and fell asleep.

*time jump*

"Get up ding head" I heard someone call as a pillow hit my face. I groaned and turned over. "WHAT" I exclaimed as I throw the pillow back.

"Get your a*s up and get to rehearsal," Heather said. "What? oh, sh*t... SH*T SH*T SH*T!" I exclaimed getting my extra bag. I quickly changed into my cheerleading uniform and rushed downstairs with my backpack. "Drop off Ricky at school, please! I can't be later than I am right now!" I said to Heather before rushing to the school.

I quickly parked my car and ran to the gym. "Sorry, I'm late!" I said to my best friend, and fellow cheerleader Chrissy. "It's fine" she smiled. "We're just about to go over the routine." I sighed with relief and got my pom poms out of my backpack.

We finished going over the routine and went to the locker room to wait for the pep rally to start. The basketball championship is today and everyone's hyped for it.

We all waited until we hear the announcer introduce the cheerleaders and we all ran out. We did our starting pose before we did the routine. As the band played I placed my foot in the hands of the bases and they lifted me. I threw my hands in a V pose with my Pom poms and smiled. I shook them around before putting my feet together and the bases threw me up and caught me. When I got down I got next to Chrissy and started to do the dance portion. Once that finished I placed my poms down on the side and did a few flips in front of the other girls dancing. We finished our routine and waved our pom poms in the air before sitting down in front of the bleachers. I gave Chrissy a high 5 as the basketball team burst through a flyer and Jason did his speech.

*time jump*

The pep rally ended and everyone started to head to class. I got to the locker room and put on my sweater.

Since we had to stay behind, the cheerleaders got to skip 4th period so I decided to go to the lunchroom. I dropped off Chrissy at the counselors and headed over there.

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