3: Happy Halloween...Sort Of

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October 30th, 1984

When I pulled up in front of my house it was quiet and dark like always but that was only because there was a thirteen yr. old hiding from the government inside. Her name's Eleven and she showed up right when Will disappeared from the same place that I escaped from and in the same condition. Eleven had the shaved head and the anxiety and the missing memories. But she also had the powers and possessed the ability of telekinesis or basically being able to move stuff with your mind. Eleven was also way more gifted at using her powers and had even beat a monster from another dimension last October. But her display and shocking appearance made people stare and whisper so my dad decided to hide her. There was a part of me that guessed it was because Eleven reminded him so much of Sarah and how innocent they both appear. Sarah would've been thirteen this year and Eleven just turned it so they were similar that way as well.

I didn't mind since having Eleven around not only kept my dad off my back but gave him something to do besides work. Before Eleven he would just work and work and work and then come home, sleep and work some more. He made sure that he acted like the perfect cop and the perfect father in order to ensure that I was proud of him, that I was grateful for coming back. And I was even without him trying to prove himself 24/7. But with the addition of Eleven he had gotten softer and I loved watching him care for her even if that meant a hundred more rules. Like leave the blinds closed all the time and Eleven has to stay in the basement during the day and no guests or parties or even people coming to the door. It was getting excessive and the newest addition of an extra lock was even worse.

"Stupid locks," I muttered and dug my key into the top one and unlocked it before also unlocking the bottom one.

Once both were open I stepped inside and knocked morse code for safe on the door. I waited a split second before smiling as the living room lights flicked on courtesy of Eleven. I tossed my backpack on the couch while the girl made her way upstairs and wrapped me in a hug once she saw me.

"Ren, you're back. But it's late. You said three three zero not four four five," she chided and I cursed before glancing over at the time and the calendar.

The time was in fact 4:45 and according to the calendar I was supposed to be here an hour and 15 minutes ago.

"I had to clear something up with an old friend. Please don't tell Hopper," I pleaded and Eleven sighed before giving me a nod.

"Friends don't lie but sisters do," she assured and I smiled before wrapping her in a tight hug and kissing her forehead.

"Thanks a billion El," I said and moved into the kitchen before pulling out the pre-made casserole from the fridge.

I stuffed it in the oven and turned it on before also preparing a garden salad. Eleven watched from her spot at the counter with wide eyes as I tossed the salad in some of my homemade vinaigrette. I offered her a piece of lettuce and she tried it, smiling at the taste.

"I'm glad you like my salad," I informed just as a laugh started from the front door.

"I would like it if it wasn't just lettuce and other rabbit food," dad informed and I rolled my eyes while he walked into the kitchen, a grin on his face. "How are my girls?"

"Good," Eleven responded and he grinned before giving her a hug.


"Pretty good. The first day was good and I actually saw Steve Harrington which was cool," I informed and dad scoffed at the mention of my oldest friend.

"Ugh, that prissy asshole," he muttered in the midst of grabbing a beer from the fridge. "I think I arrested him twelve times last summer for underage drinking and once for a fight. He's not the same Steve, that's for sure."

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