Chapter 14: The Bush

Start from the beginning

Livia smiled and looked away, feeling... happy.

"We are family, after all." Optimus stated softly, following her gaze off into the horizon.

His words reverberated around in Livia's mind for a moment before an inky darkness surrounded them.

Orion frowned at her. "Perhaps we should ask Megatron for clarification before we jump to conclusions."

"And be fed more lies?" Livia narrowed her eyes. "That is a terrible idea."

Orion put his head in his hands. "Why does everything have to be so complicated?"


"You're supposed to be evil." Livia whispered. "Why don't you just kill me?"

"Surely you do not want me to." Megatron stated.

She didn't respond.

"I am evil, by most standards." Megatron told her. "But I will protect what is mine. And you belong to me."


Livia looked over at him and glared. "Why are you doing this?"

"You are family." Megatron replied. "Haven't you ever yearned to be with family? To have people who will always take you in, no matter what you've done?"


"Slag." Livia whispered, punching the berth. "Why does it always have to be so complicated?"


"Oh, shut up with the family, scrap, Megatron! Families don't lie to each other!" Livia sneered.

"And what would you know about family?" Megatron demanded.

Livia looked down, clenching her fists.

What did she know about family?

Optimus shifted and Livia looked up in surprise as he set her down.

"We should return to the others. When is the last time you refueled?" He questioned.

Livia got up and followed him to the elevator. "Just the other day. I'll be good for a few days more."

Optimus frowned. "You are smaller. You should have energon more."

Livia waved her hands around as if she was shooting bots. "I also don't drive around or shoot energon out of my hands, so that-"

Livia suddenly screamed as a bright blue blast erupted from her hand, slamming into the wall just inches from Ratchet's face. Everyone immediately whirled around, staring at the two people in the elevator.

Livia held her hand out at arms length, her eyes wide and mouth open in shock.

"What the frag?" She whispered slowly.

"You just..." Optimus trailed off and Livia nodded in agreement, her jaw hitting the floor.

"What's going on?" Miko demanded, running over.

Livia's mouth went up and down like a fish trying to breath after being throw onto hot pavement.

"Tell me my processor is broken, but Livia just shot at Ratchet, didn't she?" Bumblebee asked slowly.

"It appears so." Optimus replied.

"How is that even possible!?" Ratchet exclaimed. "Livia, would you just be a normal human for once in your life?"

"I'm trying!" She snapped, still holding her hands away from her. "And it's not working!"

"Can we backtrack for a moment?" Miko asked. "I don't know what Bumblebee said!"

"Shut up, Miko! My hands are fragging shooting energon out of them like a fragging blaster!" Livia told the other girl.

"Livia! Refrain from using such language." Optimus scolded.

"Why do you keep bringing that up?! I do it all the time!"

Optimus frowned. "I've never brought this up."

"That's what you think!" Livia glared. "Now let me panic in peace!"

"How can you be in peace while panick-"

Jack shut his mouth abruptly when Livia shot him a menacing glower.

"Well, you've never shot energon out of your hands before, so I doubt you'll do it again anytime soon." Ratchet stated, watching Livia closely.

She looked up at him and Ratchet huffed. "You can stop acting like your hands are scraplets, now."

Livia slowly moved her hands to her sides. "Well... That was something."

Miko grinned. "This is awesome! You can totally shoot Decepticons now!"

"Or I could give my sanity a break and shoot you instead." Livia threatened.

Miko rolled her eyes and pulled Livia away to the human area. "Oh, please, Livia. You love me."

"You aren't going to keep pressing her about how she almost killed Ratchet?" Jack questioned.

"Nope. I'm more interested in Lifestar." Miko grinned. "I know all about that juicy watermelon. You gonna tell me?"

"What exactly are you wanting to know?" Livia asked reluctantly.

Miko blinked. "Ah. I didn't get that far."

Livia snorted.

"Well, excuse me! I was just super excited that my human friend had a cybertronian soul!" Miko exclaimed.

Livia collapsed onto the couch next to Raf. "Oh, Primus. I miss cushions." She groaned.

Raf smiled. "Not many of those aboard the Nemesis, are there?"

Livia shook her head and closed her eyes. "You're absolutely right."

There was a moment of silence before Livia opened a single eye and glared at Miko. "Interrupt my nap and I'll throw you over the railing."

"Ma'am yes ma'am!"

Ratchet looked away from the humans as Optimus approached. "It seems that Livia just won't stop surprising us."

Optimus nodded.

"So I assume she took the news well?"

Optimus nodded.

Ratchet huffed and crossed his arms. "Do I need to drag this out of you, Prime?"

"I apologize, Ratchet. I am thinking." Optimus said. "I feel something is amiss."

"Like how she can shoot energon out of her fists? Or why nobody is panicking over that?" Ratchet asked.


Ratchet frowned. Optimus always told him what was going on. Why would he hold back information now unless... Unless it had something to do with Ratchet himself.

Ratchet shook his head lightly and turned away. There was only one thing Ratchet had done to worry Optimus and there was no way the Prime knew of it.

Ratchet's acts of aggression against Cybertron were a part of his past that he deeply regretted and only one other bot on Earth knew his secret.

But Soundwave had just as much to lose if their web of lies were unraveled.

He glanced at Livia, who was sleeping on the couch peacefully next to Raf. Miko and Jack played video games from the other couch.

There was no way Optimus could be suspicious of him.


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